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Bald Fruit

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Everything posted by Bald Fruit

  1. Anyone know why seattle 108 is constantly down? The only time ive ever found a vehicle(2 at once!!) and of course the server is just up and down over and over :(
  2. Then i guess the six updater is broken. That's all ive used for the update and it hasn't taken me above 1.60 I guess i need to uninstall reinstall the game and start from scratch?
  3. Bald Fruit

    Freeze/fps stutter/lag

    I just recently built a new pc. 16bg ram 6950 3.8ghz i5 Played before 1.7.1 and it ran great, now after this patch its back to acting like i had my old 5750 in their. Not to mention always spawning in the middle of a field :P
  4. Bald Fruit

    Unable to play since 1.7.1 upgrade

    Same issue here...doesnt matter how long i run southeast in the debug wilderness/plains i get nowhere, i put a roll of quarters on W for over 30 minutes. Kept any eye on my desktop while i watched TV....after running for probably 10 minutes i came to an ocean and was just swimming across it for the next 20. Needless to say I gave up. Doesn't matter if i try respawning or which server I choose. Same problem. I'll probably just wait a week and see if they have their stuff together.
  5. So 2 hours ago i was playing just fine. Now no matter what server i join(i match the 1.71 build) i get thrown into the debug forest or debug rolling hills. Anyone else getting this? I've ran the sixupdater again with no luck.
  6. Bald Fruit

    Stuck in debug forest/plains

    No luck respawning. I ran for a bout 2,000km and it took me to an ocean but i saw a waypoint across the ocean about 1800/km further. Decided I'm too lazy to go that far :P
  7. Bald Fruit

    Stuck in debug forest/plains

    I'll give that a shot, I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks : )
  8. Bald Fruit

    Do *NOT* Spam Connections

    Too bad when I wait for 5 minutes at *retrying to authenticate* reconnecting is the only thing that solves the issue-sometimes multiple reconnects. I've sat for over 30 minutes at retrying to authenticate it never goes through. So you are speaking for those who have no issue connecting. Sometimes I go as far as exiting steam and relaunching as Admin to attempt avoiding that error.
  9. Bald Fruit

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    Ah, as fantomblu stated----I too am only able to enjoy the game now away from the big cities...once the city(cherno/elektro) comes into view and I'm looking towards them I can't begin to play. The weather/time of day has no effect. Just the moment I get close and I am looking at or actually inside the bigger cities.
  10. Bald Fruit

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    I'm having the same issue with the FPS drop. Mine occurs specifically when I look towards town, or I am in town. If I look away from town BOOM amazingly smooth. Look towards town BOOM 10ish fps. I've heard the latest patch has fixed the issue for some players, though I haven't been able to connect to a server to test it yet. So we'll see HD6770 3.8 ghz i5 16gb ram
  11. Bald Fruit

    Cant get into ANY server!

    Having the same issue. Hoping that once I am able to join the current update will also fix the FPS issue.