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About Mr_Blankey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mr_Blankey

    Ethics of a Bandit?

    Wow this convo took a turn that I did not expect. Dudes arguing about who is really in the Marines, save it for the PM's fellas. I definately don't follow the "if you're nice for 30 min you can't betray rule". My favorite bandit experience involved me hanging out with two very nice heroes for about 5 hours before I finally got up the courage to off one while the other one was hunting for food for us. Typed "OMG sniper attackt" over chat. Other guy came running back to me. Told him "I think I scared the sniper off so lets loot our 'friend' so we can give him his stuff back when he respawns". Then I shot that guy in the back when he went to loot. Stole their little bird and crashed and burned with it after flying it for like 40 seconds. The above story I don't think there's any problem with and I think bandits are a key part of the game. My question revolved around begging to live when unarmed only to attack at the earliest opportunity. This is essentially eliminates the one time bandits and non-bandits universally agree that you should not KoS, when someone is unarmed.
  2. I stated out DayZ as being a pretty middle of the road character. Avoiding confrontation with bandits, helping those I came across who were in need (but not going on rescue missions), not shooting on sight and attempting to assume the best about non-bandits. However, I've slowly morphed due to betrayel and boredom into a bit of a psycho. Now, I pose this question because I don't my actions to cause DayZ to morph into more of a KoS game than it already is. Most people let unarmed players live as kind of an unspoken rule. Here is a recap of my last two encounters with people who let me live when I was unarmed. 1) Two armed players come up on me in the middle of the desert in Panthera and I yell over direct "Friendly, unarmed, please don't shoot!" They let me live and allow me to tag along with them. We come up on a heli, i say i'll check it out. I hop in, it's busted, so i switch to the gunner seat and mow them both down....hilarious but not very nice obviously. 2) I come to an airport that a Bandit is finishing up looting and there are two Urals. I'm unarmed so I just run up and yell "friendly please don't shoot" He says "whatever, I already looted the place, see ya" and hops in a Ural. I hop in the other one and follow about 50 meters behind him. I see him stopping and assume he's about to hop out so I go full throttle to side swipe his driver door. He hops out as expected and splat! Now both were very fun kills but I don't want to ruin the game for unarmed people who actually are friendly and cause them to be offed. Should I stop this type of action or chalk it up as part of the fun of being a bandit?
  3. Mr_Blankey

    How to Eliminate Multiple Bandits

    How pious...I guess you don't use blood bags because they would never be able to survive unrefrigerated? Or I guess you don't eat a bunch of steaks when you're hurt to heal yourself bc that's not a realistic way to heal a gunshot wound? Or I guess you wait six to eight weeks after breaking your leg to simulate the actual time it takes to heal a broken leg? Get over yourself.
  4. Here's the situation. I was at NE airfield and knew of some other bandits that were heavily geared and in an adjacent town. I'm geared up with an M107 + Red dot M4 + Ghille suit but running solo since my cohorts are offline. I put out a side chat message saying "hey i could use a ride at the NE AF if anyone is around" knowing that my fellow bandits wouldn't be able to resist. I stake a spot on the big hill underneath a pine tree overlooking the runway, hangars, and control tower. Just as expected 10 minutes later I see a car pull behind the hangars but I don't get a look at how many guys are in the UAZ. They ask "where are you we're here to pick you up". I tell them I'm in the hanger. I see two guys come around from the furthest hanger. One in a ghille suit with sniper rifle posts up just inside the hanger looking out towards my sniper hill. The other, armed with an AR of some sort, begins looking for me inside the hanger. The non-sniper never stops moving and I'm approx 650m out which will make for a very tough shot on a moving target especially since I'll prob only get 1 maybe 2 shots off before I'm spotted by the sniper. So, I wait for non-sniper to enter the control tower and I take out the sniper with two shots (first one missed). I should have moved after first shot but I didn't (rookie mistake). After 5 minutes of scanning for more guys I hear bullets start wizzing by me. I get away but fail at my goal of eliminating all targets and getting their gear/vehicle. So long story long, how would you have approached this situation?
  5. Mr_Blankey

    Taking Out Multiple Targets

    Unfortunately they were smart enough to park the vehicle in an area that was out of view of any good sniper spots. However I do agree that positioning myself in a spot where I could see the pull up would have been best. Then I would have opened fire as soon as they slowed down.
  6. Here's the situation. I was at NE airfield and knew of some other bandits that were heavily geared and in an adjacent town. I'm geared up with an M107 + Red dot M4 + Ghille suit but running solo since my cohorts are offline. I put out a side chat message saying "hey i could use a ride at the NE AF if anyone is around" knowing that my fellow bandits wouldn't be able to resist. I stake a spot on the big hill underneath a pine tree overlooking the runway, hangars, and control tower. Just as expected 10 minutes later I see a car pull behind the hangars but I don't get a look at how many guys are in the UAZ. They ask "where are you we're here to pick you up". I tell them I'm in the hanger. I see two guys come around from the furthest hanger. One in a ghille suit with sniper rifle posts up just inside the hanger looking out towards my sniper hill. The other, armed with an AR of some sort, begins looking for me inside the hanger. The non-sniper never stops moving and I'm approx 650m out which will make for a very tough shot on a moving target especially since I'll prob only get 1 maybe 2 shots off before I'm spotted by the sniper. So, I wait for non-sniper to enter the control tower and I take out the sniper with two shots (first one missed). I should have moved after first shot but I didn't (rookie mistake). After 5 minutes of scanning for more guys I hear bullets start wizzing by me. I get away but fail at my goal of eliminating all targets and getting their gear/vehicle. So long story long, how would you have approached this situation?
  7. I've played on your server quite a bit over the past few weeks (even been rescued by the ever generous Bush) and I'm interested in joining up. 29 years old so I guess I'm an old fart by gaming standards.