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Posts posted by yurivw

  1. I'm a 17 year old DayZ player and looking for a group.

    Preferably a small and mature group. (not more then 10, preferable 4-5 people)

    I'm not too bad at the game and I like to keep it a bit realistic.

    I'm a pretty good pilot, but shit driver.

    I can handle a gun and build a base.

    If you can use me, add me on Skype: Yurivw2

  2. Hello, my name is Yurivw and I decided to start playing DayZ again.

    I'm looking for a small, yet experienced group. Bandit, Hero, Neutral, doesn't matter.

    My ingame name is... Captain Cuntbiscuit.... But I can change it to Yurivw if needed.


    I'm quite new to the Epoch, but I played DayZ a lot before.

    I'm a skilled player. I can stay very serious, if that's something your group does.

    I can fly, drive and fight decently.

    My weaknesses are that I'm usually to cautious in most situations, meaning I leave loot in order to stay safe.

    I'm 17 years old. I can play most of the time.

    I have a microphone and Skype, Steam and Teamspeak.

    I speak English decently.


    Contact me:

    Steam: yurivw2

    Skype: yurivw2


  3. *You walk up to a campfire somewhere near the coast when a group of people raise their weapons at you*

    You are in The Mercs camp. Its a dangerous place to be.

    The leader, Yuri, walks up to you and asks you for your buisness.


    We are a group of raiders/bandits.

    We use a rank system and I will keep track of every member.

    You can apply to join us via my steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024511141

    All people who get too close to our camp are basicly dead, unless they can talk their way out.

    You have been warned.


    A minimum age of 14.

    A working microphone (some exeptions)

    A teamspeak 3 client (


    As soon as you explained you are trying to find a bandit group to join, they laugh.

    The leader takes you in for a short application, once you got accepted you are placed under the rank of: Bullshit
