Age: 15 almost 16 How long you have played DayZ:2 months Gear:AS50, with a few mags, Ak 74 with 3 clips, NV. range finder basic equipment (map,gps and compass) food the usual. Also have a bus if its still there when i get back from work. Yes, it works and in full condition ]How much Tactical Knowledge:]Alot, im very smart, not dumb in gun fights, and i don't go gun blazing in the middle of cherno. I know my stuff trust me. Im also very calm, i dont get pissed when i die. Steam NameRageAidz Skype Name(optional just used to contact you WILL NOT be used while playing):Bennyboy1223 (made when i was younger of cause :P) also try Ben Simpson ]What country and time zone you are in: Australia, i play on the NZ servers almost exclusively (Brisbane ,QLD ) ALSO, im in a bandit skin because, i had to kill some assholes that shot at me in my bus. Just a heads up.