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Everything posted by bensticles

  1. Standalone seems to take a lot more bullets to kill people. I've had to shoot people with the Mosin 4-5 times before they went down.
  2. bensticles

    Jump when hearing Gunshots?

    I still jump. I have had times I've pulled my keyboard/mouse into my lap. Or scream "SHIT" "FUCK" at 3am with a house full of people.
  3. bensticles

    BEST anti-hack ever! Developers PLEASE read!

    I don't think it would be that simple.
  4. bensticles

    DayZ SA Desync fix

    Same. My desync is 100000 the moment I join. I can't see anyone. I'm waiting for a fix. Edit: Ping is 30-90
  5. bensticles

    Last DayZ [Roleplay Server]

    I don't know if you can enforce these rules. Against the rules of being a server owner.
  6. bensticles

    Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    What is your card?
  7. bensticles

    Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    DirectX probably isn't installed. Also does your graphics card support directX?
  8. bensticles

    What desktop should i purchase to run DayZ SA?

    Some people just don't want to build. Not all people are cut out for it. I can't recommend any pre-built. I hope someone will. Edit: Looks like you changed your mind. Good Luck :) Get something better then a 650gtx. 760 would be a better choice. Also bump up that power supply.
  9. Mod had plenty of SD. I don't really care personally.
  10. bensticles

    Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Odds are if you are running a X1300PRO, you'll need a whole new computer. :(
  11. bensticles

    You don't blend in

    Should go more in-depth. Last time I played the gun sounds were all messed up. Granted I haven't play since release week.
  12. bensticles

    Tech specs. Can my computer run Day Z SA Decently?

    Probably not very smooth. Processor isn't very powerful.
  13. bensticles

    You don't blend in

    I've noticed this as well. Gun sounds, and gun accuracy is what brothers me the most. But, of course its a work in progress. I'm willing to wait for some updates.
  14. bensticles

    Windowed Launch

    Try ALT+ Enter
  15. bensticles

    DAYZ Standalone Lets play (1080p) Episode 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La0jMrTAH74 Use the Special bbcode, then media. Nice video.
  16. bensticles

    Suggestion: Consume ENTIRE item

    I agree. Kinda lame sitting there clickin "eat" 3-4 times.
  17. bensticles

    Character stuck under house

    When logging in hold "w" or forward walk. Some people have luck with that.
  18. Background: Meet with some random friendlies at balota. Then this girl runs up, and We ask to drop her melee weapon. She won't talk or type. So we cuff her, and head into cherno. She finally types, and say she only speaks japanese. Then the random friendly says his friend is in japan right now. We meet up with him, and see what is up.
  19. bensticles

    Suggestions for PC upgrades?

    What is the powersupply? Pretty important. By 8300 do you mean AMD 8350? 8350 will great. Standalone is still very unoptimized so don't expect tons of frames. If you want a cheaper (but good) graphics card a 7850/7870 2g can be found for 150-200. In the US. GPU's: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121649 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102999 I'd recommend those GPU's my friends run them, and get 60fps in BF4. High graphics. One of them is running a 8350. We still need power supply info. It is very important for powering all that stuffs.
  20. 1 in a million. One of my funnest DayZ moments.
  21. bensticles

    Frame rate head scratcher

    I think its just really un-optimized for certain hardware. I got 40-60 on the mods. I'm lucky if I get 25 on the standalone. (I've messed with it for hours) Other friends ran the mod horribly on the mod, now run 45ish.
  22. bensticles


    Mosin nagant, and you can chamber the M4 I think. Pistol is a no go.
  23. bensticles

    Survival or Deathmatch?

    I think the south has become a KOS fest because of the loot. There isn't any reason to go north, if you can get the only two guns at cherno/balota. Why leave? It needs that progression back, the mod felt like you gathered food/drink, and went north for guns/heli crashes.
  24. bensticles

    It would be nice to have female specific clothing.

    Of course. Ladies must look fabulous in the apocalypse
  25. bensticles

    I Killed a Combat Logger (Warning: Bad Language)

    Combat logging is pretty bad. 3 logged on me today. I didn't start 2 of the fights.