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Everything posted by bensticles

  1. bensticles

    Found a DayZ public hive with AI players

    I was sleepy and for some reason thought it was a good idea. It's the server name. US 434
  2. My SLI really only gives 5 more fps. Wouldn't recommend it.
  3. bensticles

    Pictures of Infected Camps?

    Loot wasn't great when I found one. Lee Enfield and chem lights. Old cans. The tents weren't loot-able. It was in a forest, north of NWAF. It was 4 tents in a grid, and one of the unusable wreck cars.
  4. bensticles

    Getting low fps issue in a 7870 HD 2GB O.o

    Turning graphics up can take some load off the CPU. Also servers with loads of people can lower FPS by a lot. Also are you talking 20 fps in Cherno and Electro? I know I've said this a thousand times but, those cities EAT FPS. It's probably better up north. CPU: You will need a new motherboard for the Intel processor. But, the Intel is way more powerful. So you will end up spending a lot more for the Intel. That said a 3770 is beast of a processor. The FX CPU you talked about up would also work fine.
  5. bensticles

    Radeon 7850 OC Crazy Laggy

    The 7850 should be fine for DayZ. My group records with 7850's just fine. It's mostly CPU bound like said above. Your CPU isn't the best. I can also confirm rolling the beta patch back helps. Also are you talking about in cherno? Cherno seems to bring even really good system's to it's knees. I run 10-15 FPS in cherno, and 30-40 anyplace else.
  6. bensticles

    Can I run dayz??

    You'll run it fine, like people have said. Don't expect to record or anything. But playable.
  7. bensticles

    SOC is hosting a Straight up vanilla dayz

    It's not showing up in DayZ commander still.
  8. bensticles

    SOC is hosting a Straight up vanilla dayz

    Ip isn't working.
  9. Could try: This might not be a good choice for a ton of mods because you will need a large amount of ram. May help though. Also try: http://www.dayzpvp.com/ultimate-dayz-graphics-settings-and-tweaks-guide/ What are your specs?
  10. bensticles

    Computer Question From A Newbie

    I'd wait for the standalone. Better optimization, and you'll get a better Idea what to get.
  11. 650gtx isn't the best card ever. Just turn down to normal settings, and lower AA. Also are you talking 25 frames in cherno? Because I run 15 frames in cherno, and 45-50 anyplace else. Also I've noticed, when a server is full I get a lot of less FPS.
  12. bensticles

    Help with GPU Cards...

    You could SLI, I have 260 gtx's in SLI. I disable one and get the same frames. Just get one solid card.
  13. bensticles

    Help with GPU Cards...

    Ah, Hopefully he does.
  14. bensticles

    Help with GPU Cards...

    I'm fairly sure you can't SLI 650's. Yep, it can't. Edit: Some sources: http://www.tomshardw...ful-650ti-660ti http://www.tomshardw...29-tomshardware Edit: I'm the edit king of here. For 300$ I would personally go: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121656
  15. Pen Island Fa DayZ Chernarus [VETERAN CH:ON][GMT + 9] [Active Admins][More Vehicles][Wrecks] Why this server was started: Hello, we are a new server that started recently. This server was started because, we've gotten tired of hackers. To combat this, a private hive was started. There is active admins and many of the community can contact the admins easily. We are looking for people to come and play with us. Right now, We have a active 5-7 people playing often. The Admins are also great. (They won't ban you when you find their camps) Loot tables, and spawning: Right now, loot and weapon spawns are vanilla. A slight increase in vehicle spawns has been introduced, and also custom wrecks. The increase in vehicles, feels pretty much vanilla. IP address: (I know some of the dayz commander tags need to updated, use the IP) Tech Info: We are hosted in Seattle. But, We have players from australia that play fine. We are also hosted by Dayz.st. We so far have 100% up time. So if you are looking for a private hive that feels vanilla, come join us! There is currently, at the time of posting, 8 people online.