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Everything posted by bensticles

  1. bensticles

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    Sorry. You were on the DayZ forums so I assumed it was for gaming. My bad. Good enough laptop for school/web.
  2. bensticles

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    That thing won't run dayz at all. 5-10 Frames.
  3. bensticles

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    Some people need laptops. But, if you plan of DayZ'ing you'll need much more power.
  4. bensticles

    Is This a Good Laptop?

    It's ok. Don't expect to max out or get a large number of frames in games.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48pyqlD4Poc
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCRApNv9QHY We needed morphine, and blood bags. Ended up being a huge PVP battle.
  7. I play on a m17x r1. Nvidia 260m x2 sli, Intel core 2 duo p8600, and 8gb ram. 30-40 frames on DayZero. On a good DayZ server, 25-30 fps. Edit: Graphics: Lowest, 1920-1200 resolution
  8. bensticles

    How not to Hang Glide

  9. bensticles

    How not to Hang Glide

    Yeah, the hang glider is in dayzero. Just don't crash it.
  10. Seems legit. All that for sandbags?
  11. bensticles

    New intro to my ongoing series, ratings ? :)) [Video]

    Too long for every episode. If it is a on going series, I'd use it in the first episode. Then shorten it on the rest of them. Maybe use those awesome animated parts, and cut to game play of that episode for each intro. Edit: Forgot to say that it's freaking awesome. I love it.
  12. bensticles

    High End Gaming PC, FPS Locked Around 30

    V sync. Turn if off. It'll cap you at 30 fps.
  13. bensticles

    DayZ Fan Trailer - "Outbreak"

    It's a fan trailer. I made it in the arma editor.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHO5amgHPZE 2 Days of public hives. We filmed this when we returned to public hives for
  15. I can't wait till almost all buildings are like this. It'll make some good PvP in cities/towns.
  16. bensticles

    Standalone animations

    The gun stance, in the standalone videos I've seen bother me. The whole elbow out thing.
  17. Weird. Assuming you didn't make the script yourself, ask the author.
  18. Look through the script. It'll have something along the lines of what beck first replied with in the code. I think opendayz has some good stuff on the subject.
  19. bensticles

    can my pc run it imma noob -_- :D

    Above 30 FPS. Most likely 30-60. Big cities on a full server may drop to 25ish. It's a good build.
  20. bensticles

    can my pc run it imma noob -_- :D

    Yep, it'll do. Joke?
  21. Sounds like the script is disabling it. Tried removing the script and seeing if the problem persists?
  22. bensticles

    Decent PC, Low FPS

    Tried turning graphics up? Puts more work on the GPU. Also 12 frames in cherno, on a full server? That would give anyone 12 FPS.
  23. I confirmed that this is a public hive. The video gets pixely sometimes, because my computer isn't very good.
  24. bensticles

    Found a DayZ public hive with AI players

    The server is US 434. Had AI on it yesterday. Check it out yourself.