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About stephanie13

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    Play on arma 5 years ago ;) and i kick your ass ;)
  1. hey your server is down :/
  2. stephanie13

    3D models from Russia

    nice work ;) I'd be really happy if you could make me a skin girl on arma playable;) it's my dream a skin with my name stephanie ^ ^
  3. stephanie13

    Video Stéphanie(fr) coop and vehicules

    tkx ;) the contained is good but the video quality is a crap !!!! yes i think too but the contained is good This is the most important ;)
  4. stephanie13

    Video Stéphanie(fr) coop and vehicules

    sorry for bad quality, my game are a bad configuration, the next time i go to change my configuration for make a video ;) and next time i go to improve in english for understand lot of post on this forum, and for speack !!!because i have a very bad english !!!!!!! ++ in game
  5. i made a video but i am noob for create this, but the result is :
  6. http://issuu.com/tahor10/docs/foxteamnewsdecembre2010 it s a magazine for gamer page 22 it's me noooooobbbb !!!! ;) ^^
  7. iam a french girl and this skin doesn't look like me!! I am brown and pulpier !! lol I am a bandit girl and if you see me it's because you already died ;)
  8. hahahaha I am a french girl and it's a reason for use the female skin