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Everything posted by gclark39

  1. gclark39

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    These are horrible ideas. If you don't like K.O.S., then DayZ isn't for you.
  2. Are you trying to hide the fact that standalone is already riddled with hackers? Go to any of the hacking sites... there are like 30-40 threads on standalone hacks alone, already...
  3. I completely agree with you, but they shouldn't keep the reports quiet either.
  4. It was under the mod section, apparently they moved it.
  5. gclark39

    Hackers in DayZ GA 2-12

    There is confirmed hacking rampant in the standalone.
  6. A fresh new dayz epoch server has been opened and would like to get some people to play with. Server IP: Perks: - Part snapping: Building has become easier! Parts of the same item will snap together and make your building experience faster. - Zombies won't be able to be within 50 meters of your base. - Plot pole requirement disabled. - DDOS protected server. - Active Admins (Up to 15 - 18 hours a day). - Self blood bag. - Auto restock of traders. - 4 hour scheduled restarts. - Main traders are safe areas. No damage or death. - Roaming AI group events that drop loot. - Roaming AI heli's events that also drop loot. Comming soon: - Admin events. Come and play with me! Server IP:
  7. gclark39

    Standalond Hackers...[Teleported to ocean]

    You don't... you wait to die.
  8. A fresh new dayz epoch server has been opened and would like to get some people to play with. Server IP: Perks: - Part snapping: Building has become easier! Parts of the same item will snap together and make your building experience faster. - Zombies won't be able to be within 50 meters of your base. - Plot pole requirement disabled. - DDOS protected server. - Active Admins (Up to 15 - 18 hours a day). - Self blood bag. - Auto restock of traders. - 4 hour scheduled restarts. - Main traders are safe areas. No damage or death. - Roaming AI group events that drop loot. - Roaming AI heli's events that also drop loot. Comming soon: - Admin events. Come and play with me! Server IP:
  9. Bump! Still looking for people!
  10. You would be surprised on how many people who aren't playing standalone, me included. I played alpha for a day, then got bored. To add a note, since you aren't interested, why the heck are you needlessly replying on my thread that isn't event related to what I am posting?
  11. I just bought dayz a day ago. I came across this box and it had some items in it. (A medical box I believe) and took some stuff that was in it. Well my friend later told me that a hacker spawned it, I had no idea that was the case. Will I get banned? I never knew it was a hacked item.