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Knight05 (DayZ)

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About Knight05 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    I'm sure its both, its just a question of what is wrong exactly. Are the servers reset to some persistant server even if you opted early for them not to be? Or is something wrong on dayz side maybe where servers arent syncing with dayz to update with the hive to reset loot etc or respawn it (dont think respawning loot is actually working yet?). Hopefully we can get a answer from a higher up soon this seems like it should be a bigger issue than it is currently =/
  2. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    My clans server has been out for months and has always been persistance off, we also double checked today with our hoster and they say persistance is off. I am willing to bet EVERY single server be it public or private right now is not refreshing/renewing loot on restarts and theyre all being treated as persistant. if this is true and I'm hoping a dev will come here to confirm then that means loot is NOT respawning, not resetting. So there will eventually be no loot anywhere except random tiny towns and even then small stuff and pretty soon the game will feel like an empty barren wasteland or hardcore x 5 mode :D If this is the case I hope to god they would hot fix it and not wait 1-2 weeks for the next normal patching cycles otherwise I doubt many people will play as its not fun running around for 5 hours just to find a baseball bat.
  3. So not sure how many know this and I can't speak for ALL private servers, but most if not all at the moment seem to not be respawning new loot with server restarts whether automatic or manual. Same for stopping servers then restarting. I am no programmer/coder, but my guess is that every server is being treated as persistant right now. Because we dropped items in certain spots to see if they were there on restarts and sure enough they were everytime. Imo this seems important enough to warrant a hotfix vs waiting an entire week to fix? Any chance of this happening or....?
  4. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Help! What can I do?

    Ty so much I got their server ip so doing so now
  5. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Help! What can I do?

    I will keep it short I'm a pretty good player I spent almost a full month surviving with probably 32 kills or so (no I don't kos unless threatend) I was at the military barracks NW of Balota when a dude runs in shooting and I waste him. I check the player tab and see the only one on is a clan of 6 named JOLT clan on I'm guessing their server? I hear foot steps outside coming to the barracks and next thing I know it says you have been kicked from game. I joined a new game and now my character is fresh. Is there still a 30 second logout when kicked? CAuse I'm guessing he kicked then killed me. How can I find their server or report this? I'm really angry naturally and this type of abusive behavior shouldn't go unpunished.
  6. Knight05 (DayZ)

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    Chalk this one up to another, I am terrible at such and such part of the game so I'm going to make a thread and complain about dying to people better at pvp than me and say the only reason I keep dying is because losers won't play the game the way I want them to or go where I want them to go so I can loot in peace and have my PVE hello kitty online Role Playing adventure experience. Wahhhh,..... Zzzzzz.... move along people nothing to see here. Return to your homes :)
  7. Knight05 (DayZ)

    The lone wolf

    When i pvp i like to play solo as others tend to give me away or slow me down, but when im looting or BSing i almost always roll with friends or i'd die of boredom.
  8. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Different hives loading the wrong chars (Please Read)

    First of all I can admit when I'm wrong, but this is I also first mentioned weeks ago and I searched for a goo 7-9 days and came up with nothing so I got tired of trying. So it's not like I never searched ever. Secondly my post about lack of communication was NOT referring to one specific thing. It was to a variety of things, and I do check the tracker frequently generally. I find most of the info put out is in the form of twitter, reddit etc and I don't see why people need to seek out those types of sites to find info that should be posted in an easy to find place on the forums first. It's not fair to label me a "ranter" or this a "rant post" simply because you may not agree with my opinions. I'm a customer, yes a customer for an alpha but still a customer. Me providing feedback whether it be negative but tasteful or postitive should be encouraged. I don't think i said anything here that was over the top or a "rant" or this topic would already be closed wouldn't it? I'm not the type to the back and forth argument thing over difference of opinions. I said what I needed to say as did you although from my perspective I detected a fair amount of sarcasm and attitude in your post but addressing it will make it even worse so I'm willing to overlook it as it's hard to interpret intent and tone over the internet. I still think communication by this company needs alot of work and stand by that statement. If you want to know my reasons in detail via PM or publicly I'll be happy to do so but i doubt you really do. So far for me this game has been more or less an enjoyable experience up to this point for an alpha and the game shows much promise. But I feel things have been on a slow downspiral from each new patch to the next fixing/adding 1-3 things and breaking several more. Being an alpha im fine with that as it comes with the terrirory. The part I'm not happy about is that certain things that feel like key elements to me don't get hot fixed and info on said fixes put out sooner now that theres supposedly a much larger staff, but it is what it is. Either way, they know and this is totally sidelined from my original topic of the cross linked hives which I didn't see on the tracker either? So I'll resume that topic as that was my original focus. Cheers
  9. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Different hives loading the wrong chars (Please Read)

    We tried all the game host provider servers. We waited the traditional 99 seconds between joining servers. And no we weren't hopping yet did try multiple servers within a 10 min time frame due to being unable to all join on the same server with our hardcore characters at the same time. 1-2 people were always loading in on a regular character so we figured it a fluke and kept trying different servers, The results were the same everytime.
  10. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Different hives loading the wrong chars (Please Read)

    I wouldn't of made this thread if it weren't possible, because IT IS happening. At this point I'm just trying to find out by how many and how frequently. Or maybe associate a pattern amongst people with the problem to try and identify a reason as to why.
  11. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Different hives loading the wrong chars (Please Read)

    This argument is old and flawd. YOU pick one server and stick with it, but not everyone plays you play. If a hacker is roaming free or a server dies off on population im sorry but I'm not sticking around. So can you continute to focus on the topic please and maybe leave your personal criticisms for how others should play the game somewhere else?
  12. To keep it short I know im not alone in this problem. Many of my friends, and clan mates are experiencing the same problem. We join Hardcore servers and it loads our normal char load outs but the hardcore rules apply. Then we join a normal server and our hardcore characters load. So in a team of 4 friends we usually get 2 people on their normal chars and 2 on their hardcore ones or some variation between the 4 of us. In 12 different server joins not one time have we all loaded on our hardcore characters at once and been able to just play. I first noticed it about 4 days ago and have submitted a bug report and haven't heard back or seen it on the bug tracker but maybe I didn't look hard enough. I love this game to death as do my friends and clan members but currently this game in it's current state is more or less unplayable for me outside of a solo capacity and that's just not fun for me most days. I feel like each new patch breaks more than it fixes ultimately and adds a wave of problems that we rarely hear dev feedback on. Heli crashes broke what like 2 weeks ago? Still haven't seen or heard anything in regards to them fixing that or even coming on these forums to say yo guys we know it's broken, sorry, we are working on it and will have a ETA in the future so at LEAST people don't spend 20+ hrs wasting their time looking for something that doesn't exist right now. TL:DR Game company communication to customers is EXTREMELY lacking, love dayz but it's currently unplayable and pissing me off so I will be taking a break if tonight's update doesn't fix alot. So we will see...
  13. Knight05 (DayZ)

    A very big complaint

    Bro if they made this game any easier than it already is for a survival game it would be hello kitty online adventures MMORPG, which i suggest you try it sounds more your speed. This game really is so easy it isnt funny. I think my first 2 hrs in game EVER i died to a zombie 3-4 times, after that I haven't died once outside of glitches,bugs, or general lag. So yeah......
  14. Knight05 (DayZ)

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    he could of just been duping and then coming back did he leave the server at any point? I mean if he was hacking i would think he would have esp and know where you are at all times as well as the ability to teleport or speed hack to you. And as for you shooting him 4-5 times, assuming you actually did land all 5 shots which most people do not and just think they did, I've EASILY tanked 4-5 mosin rounds before without so much as bleeding. The secret is having protector cases in each slot which will eat 1-2 rounds usually without so much as making you bleed. It's like wearing body armor really. So if he did hack all the best crap he probably had one in each slot and you hitting him in different spots absorbed like 4 rounds before the last 2 killed him. I've done it before. Things are yellow gold :)
  15. Knight05 (DayZ)

    Heli crash sites fixed after maintenance?

    It hasn't been fixed but on reddit they acknowledged it saying it should be working on experimental now even though it isn't and that it will be fixed soon and they are also adding tents by the end of this month to experimental for storage. Exactly what i thought was wrong, happened. The supposed spawning police car thing now is cancelling out heli crashes and if one spawns the other doesn't period.