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Everything posted by victusmortuus

  1. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    Nope. Stary had a heart which was ripped out for more west coast Mil bases.
  2. victusmortuus

    [suggestion] for improve revolver/Russia roulette

    You could have went to the second page and seen an already thread made on this.
  3. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    I'm treating it as a social interaction simulator with guns and survival aspects.
  4. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    That spawn placeholder isn't a great idea tbh. There's another thread on that, though. This is about how bland the east is.
  5. victusmortuus

    Fire Axe only plausible weapon?

    Nah that's ok. The Fire Axe is the only suitable melee weapon if you're wanting to swiftly dispatch the annoying Zombies in Dayz.
  6. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    Yes and my point is they are ALL on the west coast of the map which renders the east coast useless.
  7. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    I absolutely love fire fights in Dayz but the whole map as of right now is unbalanced with military loot, only on the west side of the map that is. Showing some love to the east of the map is vital in my opinion. (You may not know this) However Stary Sobor has had its military roots ripped out thus making that town a shadow of it's former intimidating self. I would NEVER go to Stary in fear of getting sniped but now I can walk through without fear as the military tents are gone. Berezino also suffered the same fate. Now why would they remove these military places and put them in the west only? That's a nice assumption you have there. Tit.
  8. victusmortuus

    Suggestion: A location

    I want an underground system, maybe even metros (never happen but it'd be insane). Going through the dark claustrophobic tunnels and hearing zombies moaning down there would add a really needed scare factor to Dayz.
  9. victusmortuus

    Fire Axe only plausible weapon?

    Punching zombies is definitely not the answer. You start bleeding, then your character forgets how to put a bandage in his hand then you keep bleeding so you start telling him to fucking bandage.
  10. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    Some of us have played it for 1000's of hours and some of us know the east of the map is boring. It was boring in Vanilla Dayz and it's boring now. It NEEDS to have something, like how the west has Green Mountain, the little settlement west of Lopatino, Military base south of Zelen. Military base near Vybor. I'm actually going to put my head on the chopping board and say the east needing stuff is a hard cold fact.
  11. victusmortuus

    DayZ On Sale?

    It's £20 and not 30-40.
  12. victusmortuus

    Fire Axe only plausible weapon?

    Fire Axe is the only one I want and that shouldn't be the way. Melee system in the Standalone needs a revamp.
  13. victusmortuus

    DayZ On Sale?

    Technically it's already on a sale.
  14. victusmortuus

    [SUGGESTION]Make EAST much more interesting

    There should just be a balance like how we had our on our server. The coast had one firestation in Komorovo one store and med base at Kamenkha to stop people suiciding due to it being a bad spawn in Vanilla. A small med base at Zelen as it's a city after all. NW had one extra barracks. Kumyrna (the broken ruins) had two military tents with low loot spawns. Berezino had the military tents but expanded slightly to balance NE v NW of Chernarus. NE was completely remodelled as a survivors final stand with a small industrial, extra hangers and a medical base.
  15. victusmortuus

    New Spawn System needs a fix!

    More than likely so they can gather mass amounts of information regarding weapons and which items are used and arent used. (I hope)
  16. victusmortuus

    New Spawn System needs a fix!

    I haven't played the new update much so I haven't died as of yet, however from my initial thought this new spawn system sounded like a good idea and one that would stop people from only staying at Balota. However upon learning people can just spawn camp you then it's DEFINITELY not right for Dayz. I don't understand why people would want this as it's not fun to be spawn camped in any game on any console/system, what Dean and Co could of done is this; excusing the amazing paint skills.
  17. victusmortuus

    (Cherna)Russian Roulette

    Seen this on Reddit. Most definitely want it.
  18. victusmortuus

    Stutter Step

    The animations from running into sprinting need to have their delays removed thats for sure.
  19. victusmortuus

    How to beat the game.

    You beat Dayz when you become Dean.
  20. victusmortuus


    Today on public servers a week or so on experimental ones.
  21. victusmortuus

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    About time Hicks!!. Nah I joke. Nice one for the update.
  22. Why are you so angry OP, it's not like the recent update has added this system back in. Personally I think you need to chill.
  23. victusmortuus

    Everyone is suffocating! Gas masks issue.

    People want realism in Dayz but don't mind running 10,000 meters in a Gas mask with no filters. ^_^
  24. victusmortuus


    It's just updated as far as I know.