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Everything posted by AramilNailo

  1. We are currently a three man group looking to pick up a few more and have some fun. We generally play as bandits but we accept survivors as well. Must have vent and be mature, we also play wasteland! if you would like to join us just reply or PM me.
  2. Friends and I are looking for another person we are currently a team of three and we would make a great addition to your youtube series because we get into some ridiculous situations. we always have fun and we have a vent server if you would like to join us for fun just hit me up!
  3. TOXK is a Gaming professional community looking to grow! We are looking to populate our server with some great people and have some fun times! The server is Dallas hosted with PVP load out and we also have a vent so get on and come play with us! We accept all play styles all we ask for you is to be mature and respectful. Ventirilo Info: zinc.typefrag.com Port: 16703 and no PW Server: or search [TOXK] Website: http://steamcommunit...ps/Toxik_Gamers For any questions PM me or add me on steam my steam ID aramilnailo183
  4. AramilNailo

    looking for a groups/clan

    You should join us at [TOXK] we also have our own server and a vent! we are friendly and I will personally teach you myself, our community has fun all the time, so if you want to join us just search TOXK in the servers. if you have any questions just add my steam ID aramilnailo183 or message me here.
  5. AramilNailo

    Looking to join a small group

    My steam name is aramilnailo183 and me and my friends are always looking for more people to hang out and have with. We also have our own DayZ server and a vent. hit me up if you want the details!