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About gslack

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    On the Coast
  1. gslack

    Textures Popping / Flickering

    Late perhaps but I had the same problem on a AMD FX 4100 and 8 gigs of ram, running win 7 ultimate 64. To fix it all I had to do was remove all the extra start-up parameters I added to the shortcut. Got rid all of those old parameters that are now obsolete due to beta patches and updates. Things -cpuCount=, so on and so forth. I just run -nosplash and -skipintro along with any mods i am running and I haven't had that problem since... Also, I have found ARMA 2 plays rough a hard drive, so keep it defragmented regularly.
  2. Just got BE restrictions #1 create vehicle ban. First off, I don't hack. Second, I had to leave earlier today because people were hoarding vehicles, killing players, and the voice chatter made it hard to play. I left decided to try again later and now I am getting this BE restriction error. The server was no pvp, recruit server. I had a decent character started on it.
  3. gslack

    DayZ Rmod get now!

    Rmod isn't listed in the update list on DayZCommander
  4. Here's my 2 cents... First you have to remember there are unofficial and official servers, and servers can use private hives. Unofficial servers can have pretty much any settings they wish at any difficulty level, meaning the recruit, normal, veteran, et al; settings mean nothing as far as features turned on or off. You can be on one Recruit server and have tags, a map to start, crosshairs, you name it. But on the next one you may find yourself spawn with nothing but a flashlight, no map, no tags, no crosshairs, nothing really. This can suck but on the plus side you could end up with a server configured to spawn at a higher rate, or with more vehicles, or even a modified loadout to start with. On official, I would assume that they are more standardized and limited in things they can change, like most official servers in other games. Most likely official servers will have a more rigid spawn rate, or limit numbers and types of items to certain places, and so on. As well as only certain maps and mods allowed. Generally speaking, servers marked veteran will be harder than those marked recruit in some noticeable way. Be it features turned on (crosshairs, map marker, 3rd person, tags) or spawn rates or items in a given loadout, or even spawn rate of zombies. Also, in my experience I think marking a server difficulty level on an unofficial server is trying to attract the kind of players they want on that server. A new player will usually avoid servers marked veteran, until they get the idea of the game down at least. And more seasoned players will usually opt for veteran over recruit. A good rule of thumb for me has been; if its unofficial the difficulty level claimed on the server list means what skill level of player they are trying to attract, and not necessarily the difficulty of the game they are running. On official it usually means the settings are going by some sort of official standard. Perhaps maybe the only thing they changed in the CFG settings (other than specifics for their system) is the setting for recruit, veteran, or normal.