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Lord Lovecustard

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About Lord Lovecustard

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  1. I've recently downloaded both the .com and .eu versions of this map, are there any servers that people particularly recommend? I don't mind pvp (prefer being friendly but if you can't beat 'em...). Cheers.
  2. Lord Lovecustard

    dayz high settings?

    If it helps I run that gfx card with a G860 at 1600x900 and can run it very high settings with 4gb of ram (without AA and post processing etc) and get between 30-60 fps depending where I am on the map.
  3. Lord Lovecustard

    monky monitor

    Hi guys, I was just playing on a public server when my screen changed and it said I was receiving a transmission that everyone is gay. as it was clearly a hack I disconnected but went back on after a couple of minutes. A message popped up that said monky anti hacks had kicked someone and left the monky monitor debug thing up on screen. Is that still hacked?
  4. Lord Lovecustard

    Why have I lost everything?

    I don't think it was, after I found the M16 I was so happy I ran off into the woods to log off as it was dark. Certainly don't think it was flashing :( Oh well, no one said playing an alpha of a mod would be easy! Cheers for the input guys
  5. Lord Lovecustard

    Why have I lost everything?

    What is the proper way to log off, I've been hitting escape - abort - disconnect, and then disconnecting back through the menus? I sound like such a bambi right now..:(
  6. Lord Lovecustard

    Why have I lost everything?

    Hi all, I just had a mammoth session, resulting in finding various chemlights/binoculars/flares and even an M16A2 M203 - I was giddy with excitement! Anyway, had to log off the server, at Balota airfield I think. Came back 15 minutes later and I had to create a character from scratch again, losing all my gear in the process. It was the exact same server that I tried logging in to. Why did this happen and how can I stop it happening again? Edit to add: I know the situation with private/public hives and not sharing data between them, but if it was the exact same server, I still shoud have kept my gear right?
  7. Lord Lovecustard

    Played my first session of DayZ ever last night. ..

    Actually, there was another thing I wanted to ask, at one point I was crawling towards what I can only describe as a farm, when I heard shuffling, I saw a black figure crawling beside me, but at 90 degrees to me if you see what I mean. .It came up with the tag "man" but looking at the player list there was no-one by that name on the server. What would it have been?
  8. Lord Lovecustard

    Played my first session of DayZ ever last night. ..

    cheers guys, as you've all said it was quite nice to not be taken out by someone watching the spawn within the first few minutes. What I liked most is the fact that you could never quite tell if someone could be watching you or not and how close you could actually be to getting killed. I think in 2 hours I'd travelled the total distance of about 500 metres, going back and forth from where I felt safe, but hey, it's just the beginning... Hopefully my best mate in NZ is hooking up for a game this weekend, I'm gonna beg him for any spare weapons he has! Cheers guys, if you see me about, please don't shoot!
  9. Lord Lovecustard

    Played my first session of DayZ ever last night. ..

    cheers todo, I was considering using it, but didn't know how much that would aggro the zombies round me! Do they get particularly bothered by it like they do chemlights?
  10. I spawned somewhere outside of Solnichniy (I think, by a petrol station). I joined a UK server, so it was night time, people aren't kidding when they say you can see nothing at night in this game! I headed towards the factory, and got inside and had a look around, nothing to take but empty cans. I heard a groan behind me so I turned round to be confronted by my first zombie! Naturally, I panicked and ran as fast as my little virtual legs could take me straight up into the hillside. I spent the next 2 hours crawling around in the dark and the rain with nothing to show for it but a tin of beans and a can of soda to show for it, but I didn't care because at least I was alive....for now. Welcome to Chenarus, I can't ****** wait to get back! Cheers for reading