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Everything posted by machineabuse

  1. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    I imagine they would despawn as they normally do. No reason to animate them going back into dormancy if there's no one to see it right? ;) Narratively they would go back into dormancy or wander off parts unknown etc.
  2. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    Cleaned up and updated for all ye bros :) Again I've been treating this whole thing as an exercise to help me work on the visual communication of the idea. Beans going out as thanks to everyone for being cool dudes. I like the ideas of dormant coming in ragdolled and from beneath beds but I figure I'd keep the presentation of the idea simple as. Other personal projects beckon. Very cool though :)
  3. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    It seems a tl:dr occurred; my fault. The grave zombie thing was supposed to be addressed by the second sheet but evidently it still looks like that. When I get home later I'll overhaul that post and the images to be clear at a glance that is not what it's supposed to be. Thanks for the feedback :)
  4. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    Updated from feedback. Thanks all! It's been a fun exercise :) morgan32: looks good on you bro.
  5. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    LOL yeah, illustration fail on my part! :lol: I'll iterate it later when I get home, that's what you get when you rush a doodle out over lunch.
  6. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    Morgan32: If it spawned next to a helo crash I guess that would make sense :)
  7. machineabuse

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    Hoik: the mound sort of came out when I though about how would you bring a zombie into the world in a visually subtle way that blended into the world, just as a way to make sure that infected didn't just appear in a player's vision out of thin air. You could do a zombie just lying down on the ground too but it sort of seemed that if you had an asset that blended with the environment it might be slightly stronger. Lakre: I'm tracking. Thanks for the reference, I am aware they are meant to be infected. In retrospect it looks a bit like I drew them popping forth out the ground in a John Carpenter undead fashion which is a bit unfortunate, didn't mean for it to look like that lol. You could just say that an infected behavior might just be to lie down to conserve energy until they sensed potential prey was nearby and got gradually got covered/concealed in stuff over time. And you're right, there are dependencies on the narrative timeline of the infection that probably invalidate the idea wholesale :)