Hoik: the mound sort of came out when I though about how would you bring a zombie into the world in a visually subtle way that blended into the world, just as a way to make sure that infected didn't just appear in a player's vision out of thin air. You could do a zombie just lying down on the ground too but it sort of seemed that if you had an asset that blended with the environment it might be slightly stronger. Lakre: I'm tracking. Thanks for the reference, I am aware they are meant to be infected. In retrospect it looks a bit like I drew them popping forth out the ground in a John Carpenter undead fashion which is a bit unfortunate, didn't mean for it to look like that lol. You could just say that an infected behavior might just be to lie down to conserve energy until they sensed potential prey was nearby and got gradually got covered/concealed in stuff over time. And you're right, there are dependencies on the narrative timeline of the infection that probably invalidate the idea wholesale :)