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Everything posted by Flawless1

  1. Flawless1

    Denser Vegetation.

    As consoles get better, so will features like denser vegetation at distances and others as such.
  2. Flawless1

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    And I believe the majority of players would want it removed too. I keep beating this drum, but the people who truely love this game are the ones who embrace difficulty and realism. We have a bigger picture for this game than most. My buddies and I are currently playing on a lesser populated server to avoid the kiddie rush and we are having a blast! There have been unexpected OH SH**! moments even though we plan our every move/mission almost down to a T. The Walking Dead type moments have shown through. We have gotten angry with each other because of individuals in our group who have taken unnecessary risks and compromised our camp/stash...We have had really low lows followed up by really high highs and vice versa. If you keep the same arcadeish tools that are present in all the other hand me down shooters out there then that leaves US, the majority of DayZ enthusiasts, with so much more to be desired. We have been waiting far too long for a game like this to be released. Don't let compromises geared towards extra revenue potential and all-around appeal get in the way of the greatness that this title can and should acheive. Please understand this Rocket, and keep designing the game around these values. Also... Check out the poll/topic that I started about the consequences of death. The overwhelming majority of people agree that the game should be difficult enough for you to feel punished upon death without the need of arcadey mechanics to unrealistically create anger, remorse, sadness, grief, or desperation.
  3. Flawless1

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I agree! Be bold and make a statement with this game. The market is undoubtedly jam packed with twitch shooters and mindless run and gun elements. The only way I see DayZ being a groundbreaking game in this market is for it to be difficult and make players want to get better. The more realistic, the better in this case. People are looking for something completely different instead of the same ol' same ol' features. Make it fresh, make it right.....please :)
  4. It is just far too easy to part with your character after death. If you don't fear for your life in this game, the devs have done something wrong. Opinions? Suggestions?
  5. Flawless1

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    Yes. You have my beans.
  6. Flawless1

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    This is definitely the best suggestion I've come across yet. EDIT: Poll has been added to thread. Make your vote count!
  7. Flawless1

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    Kinda like a QBR (quarterback rating) in football. I like the idea as well as some others made here, but I'm not sure restricting it to "tournament" servers would affect normal servers in any way. It would just be there for people who like a little extra bragging rights. On another note, I agree that there shouldn't be any RPG elements in the game, meaning all skills should be based on what you actually know how to do...whether that be by research or personal knowledge. I am glad to see how many others want death to have more impact as well.
  8. Just an idea I had to help spark some interest and fresh ideas for realistic game features. How about a need for bandits to keep their "psychosis" bar filled; the more murders they pile up, the lower their psychosis bar or "tolerance" drops. Perhaps bandits would need a special medicine that only they can use in order to keep this illness in check. What do you guys think the possible consequences should/could be for letting the bar run too low? Maybe they start hearing things that aren't really there such as footsteps, false gunshots..heck if you let your mind wander enough, the consequences could make being a bandit even more fun..bbbut then again, at least they'd still have to spend some of their time scavenging for their precious meds once in a while instead of hiding in a tree all day eating beans and shooting noobs. What do you guys think? Feel free to elaborate and collaborate. :D
  9. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    I've had a character live for well over 50 hours and died by way of two on two confrontation near an open field..NOT by way of banditry. As a matter of fact, I don't even remember being shot at by a hostile player more than a couple of times. I haven't played since the early days of the mod, but I feel the way I do about the game now because of the numerous posts and videos I've seen regarding the topic. Bandits just seem to have more fun in the game because the game mechanics cater to that style of play as it stands right now. I think most of us agree that making the game fun to play for multiple play styles is something that needs to be worked on. Maybe some people will find the "psychosis" idea as a way to alter the game experience for some people. If its not an answer to one of the several kinks that needs to be worked out for SA, then at least I'm hoping the devs find ways to make different styles of play more fun.
  10. Flawless1

    Sound Mod acceptance

    I fully support this idea.
  11. Flawless1

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    Here is an idea some people are sure to love... How about whatever items that you have on your character becomes unequipable to yourself when you die. Your tents and gear within them will not be impacted. The thought of losing whatever items you have equipped (clothing as well), will lead to better planning and organizing and therefore have more impact on death.
  12. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    A game without balance might as well not be a game at all. Lets just call it BanditZ. If deterrence is not the direction that the devs or the players want to go in, they at least need to make being a neutral player more rewarding somehow.
  13. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    Back to the original idea of the "psychosis bar". Would it still not be intriguing to have a mass murderer do some crazy things once in a while? Sporatically (between every 5-30 minutes) perhaps your player starts talking or mumbling to yourself and allows other players to hear it if within a certain range (20-50 meters). I was hoping people could brainstorm the idea a bit and find something positive in it and pluck it out. Maybe the psychosis bar could serve as an interesting way to play instead of something tedious a bandit would have to do to overcome. In a game like this, is it not realism that we are looking for in the long run? I think some fresh game mechanics and ideas to promote realism in as many ways as programmabley possible is what I intended for this thread to actually be about. I'm sure there are tons of big and little game features that people can think of in order to make the game feel that much more authentic. Even the little things like a player shivering when he becomes too cold would be awesome.
  14. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    Also... I'm sure most people who play this game enjoy watching the Walking Dead series. Is the zombie apocalypse that is depicted in the show one full of bandits who are lone wolf killing anything in sight? The answer is no. This is because the show would be boring and predictable. I don' think anyone who cares about the game would want DayZ to head in this direction. At the same time, I'm not suggesting to eliminate lone wolf banditry, but rather to encourage other ways to play. How often do we talk about clashing groups in-game? Probably not often since everyone is always afraid of other players causing them harm. How cool would it be to have factions or sides or feuds amongst groups within the game!? I'd like to see the game geared towards much more than the "usual" that it offers right now which consists of nobody caring about their in-game life because of the detrimental behavior that so many immature gamers bring to the table. I'd rather pay $60 for a SA version that has mature bandits with real purpose rather than spending $20 on a SA with kiddy gamers finding their way onto the pc platform.
  15. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    Have you read any of my previous posts before spewing your own mislead perceptions of this thread?
  16. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    If disadvantages are what you're worried about, don't they exist already in DayZ? Like I've said before, Banditry is a must, but in my eyes and many other people's eyes, it can actually ruin other's experiences. For example... wouldn't it be nice to be able to enter a city area without 100% certainty that there are going to be some bandits in the area. Drop that number down to 50% and you wouldn't know what to expect most times. Bandits have become the standard player in DayZ and that turns a lot of people off. For a game that wants people to make their "own" story, isn't it a bit dull when most players play out the story the exact same way? Maybe it has more to do with the way society thinks now instead of the actual intrigue of being a bandit, because as it stands now, it seems most people that choose the way of the bandit are often only interested in twitch killing other players all the time at all costs (doesn't this sound like some of the boring AAA titles out there?). Back to your "punishment" comments. Isn't it going to be punishing on players who want to band together and try working as a team when one of the people in the group might be sick and spread his disease onto his buddies? My point is the game already punishes people by either their own neglegence or other gameplay elements. The only way the game plans to alter what a lone bandit sniper wants to do is make him come out of his tree every once in a while and take a poop. You know the bandits will swiftly find their heavy jackets to wear under their ghillie suit and continue to sit in his tree untouched by diseases or other players. Perhaps the more elements they add to make the game more realistic could cause the lopsidedness in servers to become even more rampant. As it stands now, the benefits of being a bandit far exceed the benefits of being a team player. I don't want to re-write what Dean Hall's vision for the game is, but I'm not sure having the ratio of bandits/survivors being 3:1 is what he had in mind. As it stands right now, being shot and killed without even seeing the person who killed you(which should be freakin awesome!!) is a normal occurance instead of a bold and telling experience.
  17. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    I wouldn't call it punishment more than I would call it a balance issue. I'm not saying take banditry out of their hands altogether and turn DayZ into a kumbaya campfire. I'm new to the forums, but I'm sure tons of people would agree that new players can have a really bad first, second, and even third impression of the game when 30/50 players on a server are considered armed and extremely dangerous at all times. Adding an interesting element to the mix might be beneficial for both sides in the long run.
  18. Flawless1

    "Psychosis" bar for Bandits

    because if they don't get their meds and the bar runs low for too long then they'll shoot themselves in the head due to the realization of their lack of humanity... yesss