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About LittleJavX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. LittleJavX

    Experienced player lfg

    "Looking for a bandit clan mostly"
  2. LittleJavX

    Experienced player lfg

    I seen your post already but your not a bandit clan?
  3. Hey, I'm looking for a team/clan to play with. Canadian so u.s servers ect please. Looking for a bandit clan mostly, if you have any questions, message back, pm me or w/e. Skype : venomxjokerx Steam: LittleJavX Also I have mumble, Ts3 as well.
  4. Hey, after reading this im really interested, only potential concern is that where I live in Newfoundland Canada, my ping wont be the best in some servers. but im REALLY interested as I seen you have a lot of the same views as myself. Especially the whole "having fun but not goofing off" as explained. Message me back please! if I don't hear from you i'll try the TS.
  5. LittleJavX

    The An Heroes **Now Recruiting*

    Why you want to join: Im tired of playing by myself, and im looking to play with other people that can carry themselves. Nickname: Ray / JavX Your Age: 20 What you can bring to the group (skills wise): I have good knowledge of the map, and loot spawns. I played with a few people before so i'm used to calling out shots, and im (not the best but definatly getting close ) able to determine range by eyeballing. And if you are okay with being recorded (YouTube lets play): Sounds cool actually.