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Everything posted by Mookzen

  1. Mookzen

    [suggestion] drinking your own piss

    I think devs should stop working on networking immediately to implement the placenta. Considering it is the zombie apocalypse, every female character ought to have a 25% chance of spawning preggo, then other players using a tool can harvest the nutritious placenta from the body and use it as best sustenance. Obviously harvesting it with a shovel or something will yield some spillage, much like with a can of beans. I think that this will not be an op food because it is balanced by challenge of procurement. Obviously something will need to be done to discourage spawn camping and exploiting but I feel the thought investment well worth it.
  2. Mookzen

    I can't stand this any longer.

    I think we should assume that it was a fuckton of work to MacGyver a more robust multiplayer architecture into the Take of Helicopters branch of the engine, and even though the efficiency and results of such an approach are questionable, its what they want to work with so whatever. It's what comes now that matters, hopefully more people have been involved to actually start working on the gameplay for real. Perhaps they were not even sure the engine can do what they want networking wise and didn't allocate resources to work on other parts of the game seriously all this time ?
  3. Mookzen

    [SUGGESTION] Reduce Fall Damage

    By the way you take 0 fall dmg from any hight if during the fall you touch some kind of object like a wall or something.
  4. Mookzen

    I can't stand this any longer.

    People are so harsh because the mod is ok, more or less, and this is a remake.
  5. I think its much easier for the west to understand russia so going that way is probably wiser, also much more material to be inspired from.
  6. Mookzen

    Item condition - Worst idea ever

    The guns are not broken, you just need bullets in them to fire.
  7. Mookzen

    Leveling up

    Not sure xp is the way to go but the game clearly needs some incentive and/or character development to save its metagame from being only slightly more sophisticated than that of UT2004.
  8. Mookzen

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    It is to me highly entertaining to hear that someone out there in the world thinks that consoles are a more affordable gaming platform. You can do so much with a PC for completely free as well as take advantage of so many gaming discounts. PC is -by far- the most cost-efficient gaming solution, it is not even close. I personally think it is the unfortunate combination of being poor -and- lazy that draws people to the conclusion that consoles are the best solution for them. PC gaming master race is superior in every way imaginable to console diddling. If you are of the underrace that undoubtedly is console gaming then it ought to be abundantly clear that asking for DayZ is indeed reaching far above your station.
  9. Mookzen

    All the 1st ranters

    It's not the same! But ok, I promise to play my next character on a 1st person only server and report back, perhaps conversion is possible or at least we'll know why I'm going back to 3rd.
  10. Mookzen

    Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable

    Yes please sir dev make it so.
  11. Mookzen

    All the 1st ranters

    I prefer to see my character, clothes and equipment look pretty in this game.
  12. Mookzen

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Everything always will be released for steam.
  13. Mookzen

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    I'm going with the aforementioned opinion.
  14. Mookzen

    New spawn points. good or bad thing?

    I spawned in Stary Sobor once today...
  15. Mookzen


    Yes it does, because most of the time people are even more boring.
  16. Only in reality it's more like this: and keep in mind them black dots are -huge-...
  17. Mookzen

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    1. The people who say that this is the only engine that can do this job are speaking from a position 10 years in the past, it was true back then and it was amazing (in terms of games at least). 2. There is no denying that this engine has bad performance and is convoluted beyond belief resulting in a clunky as hell experience for the end-user, probably very inefficient to work with too, it is for the same reason Windows is a bad operating system, both just build up every new version from the very old shit. 3. The answer to this thread is that Rocket is most familiar with this engine and doesn't want to and/or can't use another one and although there are lots of devs doing survival games atm, if we want dayz we want Rocket so its a 'take it or leave it' kind of scenario.
  18. Mookzen


    There is negative mouse acceleration of the x-axis and not the y-axis, for no reason. For the uninitiated this means that when you move the mouse slowly along the x-axis it moves fine but the faster you move the mouse the slower the actual speed of it in-game, while the y-axis is just fine. Also please don't give me the 'its a game feature' bullshit because clearly if it was a feature moving it slow would produce the same intended handicap and moving the character in any direction would not lessen the issue by at least 2 times, this is a straight up bug and its making the game borderline unplayable. The mouse control is as if I'm flying a helicopter not controlling a human being. Also if this was indeed just a completely failed attempt at restricting character movement then the correct way of doing this would be to do it as if the player is driving a tank, helicopter or mecha in other games, to have 2 points displayed for the cursor, one completely 1:1 mouse input to identify where the player intends to be at and the other to show where the character is at the moment moving autonomously to reach the first pointer, that would at least lessen the completely messed up feel of mouse control we have at the moment.