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symezy2 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by symezy2 (DayZ)

  1. reply for negotiation
  2. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Trading Mk48, M4A1 Holo and other rare guns for L85,NVGs or RF

    Are you interested in the L85AWS?
  3. reply quickly for this great offer :)
  4. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Sell AS50, SVD Camo or M4A1 CCO SD for a ghillie suit

    SOLD EVERYTHING TO ONE PERSON APART FROM THE L85AWS-see my other trade if you want that- http://dayzmod.com/f...s/#entry1108332
  5. Selling: NVG Rangefinder SVD Camo (4 mags) M4A1 CCO SD (no mags) AS50 (~4 mags M107) L85 AWS (4 Stanag mags) Want: Ghillie Suit Stanag SD mags M9 SD + mags
  6. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling NVG, Rangefinder, SVD Camo and M4A1 CCO SD and AS50

    SOLD EVERYTHING TO ONE PERSON APART FROM THE L85AWS-see my other trade if you want that- http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/117024-offers-on-a-l85aws-with-mags/#entry1108332
  7. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Big Trade

    seems legit...
  8. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling NVG, Rangefinder, SVD Camo and M4A1 CCO SD and AS50

    I dont have it anymore
  9. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suit Issues. (bug)

    Can someone please explain to me how Ghillie suits are working at the moment, whenever I find one I just cant wear it without getting kicked or something bad happening...
  10. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suit Issues. (bug)

    Sorry for the title i'm just so fed up of my ghillies disappearing
  11. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling an L85AWS for offers!!

    I found one of these in my old tents! Now the rarest gun ingame Comes with 4 stanag mags, Gun has NV and Thermal scope Want: Ghillie Suit(want this the most) Stanag SD mags M9 SD MAGS ONLY Coyote Backpack DMR+Mags Because of its value, i will have 3 backup snipers all with decent aim and as50's or SVD's. You will go to a building/location and leave the stuff, then i will go in and swap, i will only be carrying the gun and mags. I dont mind if you bring overwatches but those are likely the terms. :D
  12. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling an L85AWS for offers!!

    Mhm, I like it more than the AS50 even if it isnt a 1 shot kill :)
  13. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling an L85AWS for offers!!

    Yeah, I've already got NVG and the weps that I use are an M4A1 CCO SD (which is beast :D) and for sniper I am still deciding between the AS50 and the SVD :/ I know stats on AS50 are better but the zombie range is lower on the SVD and with a ghillie suit i'd be invisible! The only gun that i want (tell me if i'm wrong) is a pistol and the M9 SD is perfect coz i <3 silenced so thats the only gun i really want
  14. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling an L85AWS for offers!!

    ok, is that enough?
  15. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling an L85AWS for offers!!

    security trade? :/
  16. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling NVG, Rangefinder, SVD Camo and M4A1 CCO SD and AS50

    FOUND AN L85 AWS with 4 mags in one of my old tents, now up for trade
  17. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Come get any item

    Ive got as50 and mags rangefinder svd camo and mags
  18. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Sell SVD Camo or M4A1 CCO SD for a DMR + mags

    No thanks
  19. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Guns for NVGs, camos & ghillies

    Got one alredy
  20. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Trading LOTS of Guns & Ammo + Ghillie

    Do you have mumble? I can use skype but i havent in a while- also is the ghillie legit? Like it wont get me kicked or anything? Also my steam is [TFo] Archaeus-dF
  21. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Come get any item

    Got ghillie, m9sd+rounds or stanag sd rounds?
  22. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Toxy's trading list

    Im interested in the m9 how much ammo though
  23. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Trading LOTS of Guns & Ammo + Ghillie

    Hey im interested in that ghillie and the stanag sd rounds ive got a rangefinder and night vision add me on steam, [TFo] Archaeus-dF Ill be on at around 5pm GMT today
  24. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Selling AS50 + Ammo and more!!

    I have a M4A1 CCO SD and rangefinders if your interested
  25. symezy2 (DayZ)

    Guns for NVGs, camos & ghillies

    Got 4 tents, rangefinder what can you offer me?