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About Savag3ry

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Minnesota, USA
  1. Savag3ry

    Clan Picture?

    Sorry about not giving enough information. The picture needs to be 184x184px it can be bigger than that but as long as the picture is squared. Color scheme I want it to be Black, Red, and White. and what I want with the picture is either a sick Logo that has S4VG on it or else kind of like a name plate but with DayZ Font that says Savag3s (Add a few objects or something if you feel necesary because that's pretty much all I want) and I want to Savag3s name plate with the same color scheme also. Thank you
  2. Savag3ry

    Clan Picture?

    Hey I am making a new DayZ Clan/Squad and I can't find any good picture for the clans profile and I don't have Photoshop and someone make a good Picure for me that says either Savag3s or else S4VG on it? Btw I am recruiting also and it's a steam clan for now just PM me with your info if you want to join.
  3. Hi, I am looking to make/join a DayZ group let me know if you are interested in making one or let me know if you have a group/clan that is recruiting haha just got DayZ today and I think it would be a lot more fun if I had players to play with. I am pretty much on all day every day inless I got plans haha