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About OmniBalance

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York, NY
  1. Hey I've been in the teamspeak and haven't seen you :huh:
  2. Hi, I just made a post explaining how this was the type of clan that I was looking for. I would love to join! :D
  3. Hi. My name is Adam and I have been playing DayZ solo for way too long. I am looking for a small clan (10 - 20 people) full of mature and skilled players (Preferably 18+). I am a fantastic shot, and I am very experienced with DayZ. Unfortunately, I have not been able to fully enjoy my playtime, because I have always played solo. I am looking for a clan full of closely knit players who thoroughly enjoy the team aspect of the game. Please respond to this or message me if I would be able to join your clan, which fits my description. Thanks!