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About Saecii

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  1. Looks better than last time, but yes, still a bit ugly. Also, closed alpha build being alpha, this is probably just a placeholder.
  2. Saecii

    Fog system from Arma 3 -> DayZ standalone?

    This would be awesome for countering hill snipers; just go into town on early mornings when the fog is dense and navigate yourself around town by memory of where the most basic buildings are located in relation to each other. It is dynamics like this that will make this game awesome, no need for artificial limitations on guns to accomplish balance when you can just exploit natural features like this to go around it. In addition to fog I would also like more to see more bushes and low vegetation.
  3. Your awesome use of all caps has totally convinced me!
  4. Much better than nothing, ty Matt.
  5. It depends on if they are honest about the state of the game when they release. If they stand straight and tell us, truthfully, about the state of the game at release then we have no reason to complain, and so far they have been more honest than most developers.
  6. Saecii

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I just saw The Rocket in the skies east of Cherno, doing some righteous smiting. (PS, I didn't make this video, Milliam Flygh did (credit where credits due))
  7. Nice, good job team rocket! Also, more rocket heads for this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/115604-just-saw-rocket-again
  8. Saecii


    Could be used as a tool by nighttime snipers without NVG:s to snipe targets in Cherno I presume? You got my beans
  9. Saecii

    Walking Zombies

    Fair enough, I see you point(s). I'll go sleep over it, then we'll see. You have my beans though for an excellent and quick reply.
  10. Saecii

    Walking Zombies

    Indeed. But if we can setup obstacles to slow them down, it would be doable (assuming you have the time to do it, I also doubt we will be able to move furniture in the initial release of SA).
  11. Saecii

    Walking Zombies

    I did read it. Sure, in confined areas they could be really dangerous, especially if they are tougher in the SA than they are now. And sure, placing all the good loot in confined areas would force us to face zombies with our backs against a wall more frequently. I have some problems with that though: 1: The Zombies could easily get lured and picked off outside those closed spaces by any decent player who know the basics of kiting (assuming those zombies are worth the led I'm spending on them, we don't know what the zombie/ammo ratio will be in the SA) 2: Slow Zombies are still of little worry outside those areas, just run for 40 sec and they will lose your track, I want to feel threatened by them all the time. 3: Fast Zombies can also be dangerous indoors if you have nowhere to run (yeah, really).
  12. Saecii

    Walking Zombies

    I want to see zombies charging like bulls on players, knocking them of their feet if they are hit. Walking zombies would be a walk in the park, even if they would only die of headshots.
  13. As you all know, your average zombie isn't very bright, they're only smart enough to be able to run, eat and be able to associate movement, sound and light with food. What I have in mind is that we should be able to find and make use of alarm clocks and timers in order to manipulate the zeds. For example I set the alarm clock I just found in a bedroom to ring 10 minutes into the future. I place it where a lot of zeds can hear it and then I sneak off. 10 minutes later the alarm goes off and all zeds run out of their hiding spots and run towards the clock, which let me loot the houses they left, thus conserving ammo (if I have a gun ofc). Timers can be used in similar way but to a greater effect when combined with a cd-plyer and speakers. If you have any other idea on how you could use various day-to-day tools in the zombie apocalypse I'm all ears. Thoughts?