Hi all, I'm extremely new to DayZ (literally played it for the first time today), and it just lags a hell of a lot, I turned all my settings down and even in empty fields my fps are pretty low, not as much as in small towns but it's a major issue as I can't really play the game properly... I do have a laptop which isn't made for gaming (yes I realise this could be the main issue) but I'm really just looking for ways to decrease the fps lag. If you need my PC Specs they are: -Processor: Intel® Core™ i3 CPU M 370 @2.40GHz 2.40GHz -RAM: 3GB (I have managed to add another 2GB) -System type: 64-Bit Operating System -I'm gonna go ahead and guess that my laptop doesn't have a dedicated graphics card I know that my system specs are probably the problem, but if there is any kind of way to increase fps I'd love some help!