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About scarletvw

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  1. scarletvw

    Crooked Admins!?!? Say it aint so...

    About two weeks ago I found a base with 4 cars and another hidden a little bit away. I blew them all up. About a week ago I found a base that had 3 cars and a heli. I blew up all 3 of the cars and crashed the heli, I meant to steal the heli but crashed it instead, it was a windy day. Don't get attached to vehicles and gear. Some people get their kicks out of ruining your day.
  2. scarletvw

    PC has the specs, 20fps on low :/

    I have a Q8400, 4gb DDR2, and a GTS 450 and I run great. But I'm running a mild overclock to 2.8ghz. I suggest you do the same. You really need to push that CPU to at least 2.7ghz and you'll get some better frame rates. If you do overclock the CPU, make sure to get a better cooler or your temps will be too high.
  3. Sounds like this should be in the bandit forum instead of survivor. You opened fire before even trying to find out if they were friendly and then again at the people when the were probably just trying to come back to get their stuff. Way to go bandit.
  4. scarletvw

    Admin behaving badly??

    He's angry because you came onto a public forum to whine about a car blowing up that you stole from someone else. No one here on the forum is going to have the foggiest idea what happened except for the one responsible. Why don't you see if the server has their own forum and whine there?
  5. scarletvw

    Another System Requirement

    The computer specs aren't the greatest but hey throw in a Radeon HD 7750 and you'd be golden. Can be had on newegg for under 100$
  6. scarletvw

    Axe Warriors

    I love the Axe, its my favorite weapon. I however, don't use it for chopping people.
  7. scarletvw

    DayZ Commander and Steam

    I use steam with their beta, just installed it all last week. It works great with Commander.
  8. scarletvw

    logitech setpoint and dayz

    I have a G500 and my setpoint works great. I have it set so that once I launch DayZ Commander it drops my mouse speed and it works with no issues at all.
  9. scarletvw

    Why have I lost everything?

    Its possible that the server had to restart or roll back. Its hard to say. Just don't force quit out of DayZ, that will not save anything.
  10. scarletvw


    Did you make sure to run ARMA 2 before loading DayZ the first time?
  11. scarletvw

    First bandit kill

    So last night while playing on a new server, because I the one I had been frequenting seemed to be having issues, I decieded to go to Balota AF. I came around the back side from the north because I always hate going through the strip first. I spotted movement from the top of the tower, immediatly I dropped and zoomed in, I couldn't see well through a pine tree so I repositioned. Low and behold I see the boots of a sniper. Knowing that he's not being a friendly face up there with a rifle I start slowly making my way up to the tower through the fence. I looted the bottom floors hoping for something to help me combat my first living prey but alas only flares. I thought about throwing a flare out on the strip to catch the attention of the sniper but at the same time I didn't want to give away the fact that I was there. I slowly made my way up, at the top I looted the last stuff and heard steps. Another player up the stairs! He called friendly over direct and that tipped off the sniper. He jumped off of the roof and I lost where he went. I checked around and didn't see him so I started sneaking around looking for him. I'm not sure what the gun was called but it was part of the spawn package, 8 shot semi-auto shotgun. I went out the door slowly and came around the corner to the right. At that moment I was staring at the barrel of a gun, shots rang out. Not mine, I froze, I got hit and things went fuzzy, I was fading fast. Lucky for me I was not dead though but clinging to life for a few moments. I unloaded, my initial fears gone and now my ammo also, my gun empty and his also. We were both spent and then things went dark. I was dead, but so was he, my mission was complete, that bandit would not bother anyone for a while. But my deed was not over, now that he was dead, I wanted his loot also. I spawned 2500 kilometers away and went into a immediate dash back to the airport. I didn't actually think that the loot would still be there so I looted the hangers first. Nothing of real mention besides 5 1911 clips. I made my way towards the tower and heard flies. I got to the top and low and behold 4 bodies greeted me. My friendly companion, someone else, my own body, and the bandit. There was nothing of mention on the first 2 bodies or my own. But on the bandit was a M41A and a belt fed machine gun, I forget which one it was but he had 2 cans of ammo for it on him and there was one more on the floor! I quickly snatched up my new machine gun and prepared to call it quits for the night. My goal accomplished and a new treat to try out on another day.
  12. scarletvw


    Does your PC run stable in OCCT or Prime95? What does the crash report say? Update ALL of your drivers.
  13. I'd have probably shot the first guy too, but the second one probably didn't need to die. It seems everyone feels as though they are in the right when they see someone else with a gun and demand that they drop their weapon when the person making the demand would never drop theirs. You're not much better then a bandit to me.
  14. scarletvw


    Nice! Good story, glad you were able to take them out. They were probably just waiting for someone to come along.
  15. It sounds like its just you. I might suggest reinstalling ARMA 2: CO and reinstalling DayZ using dayzcomander.