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Bondue (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bondue (DayZ)

  1. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    This guy has a point but it will keep my servers quiet for s short while ^_^ almost like a vacation of sorts, lol.
  2. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    How might I obtain this my good sir?
  3. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Wouldn't it just be easier to modify to whitelist to bypass the player sqf? Not sure if it would work but I have no need for the whitelist anyway. I'll play around and see what I can come up with. Thanks.
  4. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Never mind I got my answer by looking through the files. But the question still remains will this effect the servers that have special admin script menus?
  5. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    I have a question about the whitelist. Does it work like a normal whitelist or is it a whitelist to bypass the anti hack for instances such as private hives having admin tool scripts in their mission.pbo? I know some servers have special menus for admins and I didn't know if this anti hack would kick/ban the server side admin tool users.
  6. Bondue (DayZ)

    Side chat.

    It is technically not allowed but nothing is done about it, currently.
  7. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Its okay, how long will it be in pending before i can acquire the anti hack?
  8. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    Okay thank you sir.
  9. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    I'm not trying to spread half knowledge I'm trying to learn if using this on my public server would break the rules. Maybe you should not be a dick.
  10. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    So technically you are editing the pbo which is against the rules for a public server.
  11. Bondue (DayZ)

    New sporkulus antihax\whitelister!

    One question does it require any editing of the mission pbo? I would like to try this but as my server is public I am not allowed to edit the mission pbo.
  12. It will run but you will have to put all graphics on very low and you should only expect at the highest fps of 13 I had a similar set up before I built my box.
  13. I dont want to use BEC because for what ever reason the database connection messes up when i use a scheduler to restart the server. I am currently using TCA to run restarts since it completely shuts down the server and starts it again. My question is can i add multiple timeouts for MOTD messages to be delayed for 5 hours and 50 minutes again for 5 hours and 55 minutes and once more for 5 hours and 59 minutes to warn for restart since each restart is 6 hours apart? If so can someone give me an example of how to do this.
  14. Bondue (DayZ)

    Autmated restart warnings

    If there is no reply I will test my theories tomorrow and report back but if anyone knows how to do this please let me know. I know it can be done I've seen what appears to be the same idea on another server, just have to figure it out....
  15. Bondue (DayZ)

    Autmated restart warnings

    My MOTD looks like this: motd[] = { "Hacking is not be permitted.", "All hacking/scripting will result is a GUID and IP ban", "Hackers/Scripters will be submitted for global ban.", "Join the forums dayzthelounge.freeforums.org", }; motdInterval = 5; So under it could i just repeat this again under the current only to look like motd[] = { "Server restarting in 10 minutes", }; motdInterval = 21000; for the 10 minutes warning and like wise for the other warnings or would it conflict with the other MOTD sequence
  16. Bondue (DayZ)

    Player kicks

    I am having an issue with players getting kicked if they crash a helicopter or try to reload the UH1H_DZ 240s i know this was fixed but i cannot seem to find it for the life of me. Will someone please point me in the direction i need to be looking. I added the filters from the sticky on the top of this forum and haven't edited them with the exception of adding 2 "" to send some info over Rcon.
  17. Bondue (DayZ)

    Player kicks

    Yes sir, everything is up to date.
  18. I made a mistake about Rolling i looked at the wrong text string i had just gotten off a 14 hour shift and was tired he is unbanned. Feel free to come back and I am sorry for the mistake.
  19. Flekz i am the server owner and i was informed of the incident you're talking about. The admin that was active at the time is inexperienced and i unbanned the people that was innocent already, after reviewing the logs. Sorry for the slow reply its been a busy week and i haven't had much time i also revoked the admins powers for banning that many people at once seeing as how i would like to not have my server blacklisted.
  20. Bondue (DayZ)

    Vehicle Spawning

    I need some help, i am trying to spawn more vehicles on restarts on my private hive but can't seem to figure it out. What i want to do is increase the umber of helis the spawn but i am having no luck, also i can't find any tuts or anything because i do a search and all i find is info on hacks..... Any help will be appreciated.
  21. Bondue (DayZ)

    Vehicle Spawning

    I was wondering would it be possible to chance the chance value I world_vehicles to .950 from .300 to increase the liklihood that they would all spawn?
  22. Bondue (DayZ)

    Vehicle Spawning

    Wow thanks you this is a tut that I have been looking for I appreciate it very much!
  23. Bondue (DayZ)

    Vehicle Spawning

    Wow really that simple and yes I have full have access through phpadmin. Thank you for your help my friend.
  24. Bondue (DayZ)

    Vehicle Spawning

    I'm using survival servers and yes i am owner i have full access