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Everything posted by FishyDayz

  1. FishyDayz

    A good pvp friendly server

    Zombies.nu ! Check it out awesome PvP server. www.zombies.nu
  2. FishyDayz

    Looking for Private Hive to play on!

    Checkout zombies.nu (website) :) Best private hive i've ever played on.
  3. FishyDayz

    DayZero (No Hackers)

    http://zombies.nu/forum/threads/3259/ This is what the admin said (lol) Awesome servers btw :)
  4. FishyDayz

    An intense DayZ session

    Zombies.nu servers ftw ;) and good story chap
  5. FishyDayz

    Looking for a small clan or a squad.

    What are the reasons ? If you want to tell.
  6. FishyDayz

    Looking for a small clan or a squad.

    Sorry to say, but are you idiot.. Why in the hell do you want to play in shitty public hives..
  7. FishyDayz

    New Small BANDIT squad

    Hell why do you care ? We don't even play in the same server.
  8. FishyDayz

    Anyone wanna start a team?

    How old are you? Where are you from? Do you play in Private Hives? Bit more information would be nice.
  9. FishyDayz

    Looking for 3-5 People

    Add me on steam then.
  10. FishyDayz

    Looking for 3-5 People

    Add me on steam wererobe12/finnishbastard.