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Everything posted by dna_uk

  1. dna_uk

    Admin added PW to server after his death.

    So we're supposed to take someone's word on this? No proof? Do you expect servers to be blacklisted based on someone moaning because they got killed? GB 1 is still running along side GB 2, GB 2 is running a private hive it seems, so why would they bother "cheating and hacking" on their mainstream server? Time to brain. By the way I totally agree, admin channels MUST be for hacking.
  2. dna_uk

    BattlEye Failed To Initialize

    I suggest you stop letting other people do all the legwork for you and start looking in the fairly obvious places yourself.... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137181-ARMA-2-OA-1-61-(Release-Candidate-1)-build-94945 - Read it Yes, I'm in a good mood today.
  3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137181-ARMA-2-OA-1-61-(Release-Candidate-1)-build-94945 "BattlEye Support: ... supported... please read below about 1.61 issues with BattlEye"......
  4. dna_uk

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Any news on the inability to delete duplicated tents?
  5. dna_uk

    Tent Duplication

    If you pack up the tents, they should be deleted and not spawn again.
  6. Tents also seem to be bugged, when you pack them up they don't actually delete themselves from the database it seems, so they just re-appear after a server restart.
  7. dna_uk

    Tent Duplication

    Date/Time: 18/06/2012 What happened: As mentioned by the OP, spamming the button to place the tent still duplicates tents. It also seems that when you delete the duplicated tents it doesn't delete them from the database, so after a server restart they just appear again. Where you were: Chernarus What you were doing: Placing tents *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: EN1