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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. It really depends on a server Some srervers it seems are bugged, and some work ok (best way to judge this in my experience is by player count - hi pop servers work ok) So change the server and hope for the best, might take you couple of tries...
  2. Got shot by a mosin yesterday at about 150m, went unconscious for about 1min, when I got back up was seriously unhealthy and everything in my shirt was ruined. hat and trousers were still ok though; I'm actually thinking that is OK, have started filling my shirt with least useful items that i have (and really hope I can find a protector case to keep in the shirt).
  3. This - Got it 2nd day it came out and now have 26 hours... Edit: I bet its the record :blush:
  4. lousy server browser prohibits us from reporting servers/owners who kick for no reason, which in turn allows them to farm in peace
  5. While I agree it limited interaction the first coule of days, but I find people don't really combat-log anymore, so interaction is now again there...
  6. your suggestion makes hopping easier (as many have pointed out but you chose to ignore them) - try making a suggestion that would at least in theory improve things, like some others have done in this thread. Interestingly enough, until reading this thread, I though they removed the timer; last 3 evenings playing I never received the timer, although yesterday the server would restart just about every 30 mins - almost felt like a hopper >:(
  7. To know for sure you would have to do some actual testing with ppl you know. With some random enemy you can never be sure if he was fully healthy or half dead whe he takes a hit...
  8. Don't know if it is true, yesterday shot a guy with mosin at about 300m, went down and stayed down after 1 shot... As he had 2 packs of rice and a box of ceral I can only assume he was healthy...
  9. If you are healthy, full on food and water, just bandage and wait for like 20 minutes... Here, good character has value...
  10. you already have a "thing" that should make you care for your character - health - it takes an average of couple of hours to reach full health and it is likely to become harder as game is further developed.
  11. well, he definetly been drinking pipsi today...
  12. its crazy tense, give it a try (not that you have a choice). (PS, still hope da textures will be fixed)
  13. slivniku@gmail.com

    Do you combat log?

    NEVER will I admit to combat logging! Nor will anyone else ;P
  14. SO?! any duel videos? stories? feeeed my curiosity...
  15. you mean like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6o8x67ApM8 probably drinking some... ehm, Pipsi... helps ;)
  16. you should probably edit the OP to include all 4 of your videos, all are very interesting,
  17. wow mate, thanx for this, explains so much have all my beans :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: sorry, don't have enought o make you full ;) PS: as per the question of knowing the mechanics ruining the game - nope; I would have never have thought rocket complicated things as much (made things so realistic); so while we will not remember the numbers we will remember the key points which will improve our game
  18. You will do well to make tdlr whatever All i get from this is you want to persuade ppl not to buy the game? Rocket already tried (and failed)...
  19. What exactly does OP and other moaners want? There was an update 4 hours ago - you want another one later today?
  20. Jup, the devs are lazy pricks, 2week holidays... O, wait, this just in: Change Log - 0.30.113953 5 JANUARY - HICKS_206 New: Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing) Server: Dead player cleanup (time based) Design: M9130 Bayonet can now open cans Server: BattlEye Anti-Cheat (Client as well) Server: Initial implementation for Sub-Private Hives (ongoing) Server: Initial implementation for regular & hardcore Public Hive Fixed: Server: Dedicated Server crash related to player skeleton Server: Player location rubberbanding (ongoing) Server: Large delay in item manipulation and "inventory tetris" ps: out of 800k ppl buyin into the game ya have to expect som duches
  21. Thats the thing, you don't know, most times you haven't got a clue what goes on with the other player; yes, there are also a lot of people killing for fun I couldn't risk him running away, or dc, or kill me... (but in the end his body disappeared before I got to it).
  22. couple of lives ago I was really kitted up in Zeleno, but had no food whatsoever, couldn't find any anywhere, screen was B&W, and then someone came running down the street - guess what, he fell down on that street. I didn't shoot him because I was bored but because I wanted to live. From his perspective it was KoS I guess, had nothing to do with boredome. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.