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About xyberviri

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  1. Idk everyone says that any publicity is good, clearly everyone must play on the TLM servers from now on, I heard he is going to add racing stripes to make the login even more awsome.
  2. Sounds like some one familiar with the territory.........
  3. Most of the "popular" servers have hidden admin menus that players dont know about. Ever wonder why your mission is bigger than 48k it isn't because they added some splash screen. I have added monkey menu and a bunch of other hacker ones to servers left and right. Never worked on TLMs servers though. Heck even a bunch of bad servers have hidden hacking menus. Just look in your servers mission.pbo file if your curious as to what is being done. But hey thats what makes private servers fun.
  4. xyberviri

    invalid crew

    This happens when running beta patches, period. if you join a server running the beta servers some of the builds include CCP which will cause this issue. this is not your fault but the server owners. If you join one server and then join another you might get this because different servers run different versions of the arma server.
  5. xyberviri

    Help running ASAP

    Survival servers: Is not setup to install because bliss went away the replacement for bliss is now called Reality and is maintained by a different person. You can not fix this on your own because you need to update your dll's for the hive. Survival servers specifically prohibits the uploads of dll's via its cpanel and also via ftp, additionally you can not upload and rename a file to anything with .dll as the name. even more: bliss->reality require a scheme update. even more additionally only cherno and tavi are supported at this time because the others need to be ported by the owners/maintainers.
  6. xyberviri

    Removing Debris and Rubble.

    yes you need to add stream_locationCheck = {}; to your init.sqf file that goes in the servers mission.pbo file. you will loose some bases like the tents in stary. just google stream_locationCheck and dayz and it should get you to a guide The reason you can't edit the dayz map is because the debris is containted in cfgtowngenerator.hpp which is inside the config.bin file in the dayz_code.pbo file. you need unrap or elitness to open those files and unbinarize them to flat text .cpp files, then some one needs to make a script that converts that into a .sqm file that can be loaded up in the mission editor. its way easier to just remove the debris and start from scratch then to try and document what rocket put where.
  7. Hello, yes its that guy with a name no one can pronouce. here is a video from the Project Awsome Servers now running DayZ Factions http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=la7uMt2boyc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug7NvU6RdPQ Those aren't players This will make DAC work with bandits and allow you to have fire fights with Zeds
  8. mods feel free to delete or move or whatever this thread since there isn't really an addon section on this site
  9. Hello there server owners i made a addon for my server and i though i might release it in case it helps anyone else. For anyone that has modded their server and added AI, you probably discovered that your AI don't seem to want to kill Zeds that want to kill you. Currently the only solution is to set the Civilian faction to enemy, this has the side effect of locking you out of the corpses and/or other containers. This addon changes the side relations for zeds and bandits so that the side attached to the unit is correct to "Resistance" all zombies and "OppFor" for the two bandit units. This will allow any AI added to the game to identify the unit with the correct reaction. Additionally this means that the mission editor does not have to modify the side relations for civilian and therefor the players are not locked out of containers that have no side relations(even though they are all really civ) Added ZED Faction - All zombies are now found under GUR > ZED in the mission editor Added Bandit Faction - All bandits are now found under OPP >Bandit in the mission editor Files: @DayZ_Factions.zip Server key: Yes http://www.twitch.tv/xyberviri/b/358105298 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=la7uMt2boyc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug7NvU6RdPQ Add the following init to your init.sqf: if (isServer) then { hiveInUse = true; _serverMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf"; _dayzFactions = [] execVM "Dayz_Factions\init.sqf"; }; Copy the following folder included to your mission root: "Dayz_Factions\init.sqf" Init code is always needed other wise stuff wont work properly. this is the init code: waitUntil{initialized}; //0Day createCenter east; createCenter resistance; //Survivors WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0]; WEST setFriend [EAST,0]; //Bandits EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE,0]; EAST setFriend [WEST,0]; Since zed AI is controlled by the player pc and is not tied to faction this does not change the behavior of zeds attacking players, however at this time zeds will not attack the ai that helps you, however they may not need to as the ai in arma is pretty stupid and will get killed when surrounded by zeds that don't act like insurgents. This is outside of my control as the FSM for zed ai does not look for non player targets perhaps with the next update the group will be seen the same as vehicles and that may or may not change, probably not. At least that is what i have gathered so far, post below if you have any issues however I may not be able to provide any kind of support. Naming: this addon is being called DayZ Factions because that is what is missing period. Disclaimer: i take no responsibility for anything that happens as a result of the use of DayZ_Factions, Dayz_Factions is not provided with any kind of support implied explicit or otherwise. This add on works for my server it may or may not work on your server, if it doesn't work ask for help if i can't help you I'm sorry but don't blow up my inbox.
  10. No offense but to be honest part of the only thing that got me into dayz was the persistance, I really wish there was more information on how to use the hive, i wish there was something more for non dayz mission creators. its not like we can find MSO servers for 24.99/mo
  11. xyberviri

    Most of these are a joke.

    Negative sir, some people are looking for : Persistance DB, Saves between restarts, Base building, Sandbox elements, it could be minecraft, swg or dayz, honestly some of us dont care. DayZ sucks when it comes to zombies, on public servers you dont go "Oh dont go into cherno it has zombies", you hear more "Dont go into cherno there is a lone sniper in the middle of the town" pft as soon as i get a axe im safe, WAY safer than if i happen to find a gun. People aren't looking for Arma 2 Dayz, they are simply looking for the game saving features that dayz already has, Google Arma MSO Dedicated server and see if you find anything like you would with "DayZ Server". At least when a satchel charge goes off on my server i know it wasnt hacked in
  12. xyberviri

    Most of these are a joke.

    I though posting flame bait was a bannable offense? lol, j/k, honestly i have more fun on my private hive than public, i mostly stay in dayz because of the saving to the dbase feature, now that MSO is out i might move to that if i can take some features with me. I modded in minecraft and i mod here on my private pw protected server where people who dont know what is going on, on that server, dont accidently join it and get all ticked off for some reason.