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About squarebox

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  1. squarebox

    The Notorious Can Incident

    The new food and drinks never really bother me. As long they serve their purpose of filling my thirst and hungry, I have no qualms over it. I actually find it alright since there's no real credits page for Dayz. Even if there was a game/mods credits page, would many visit? No. We need to give credit to the people who are helping us fix the mod with their OWN FREE TIME. Fixing it isn't exactly as fun as playing it so give the team a break. Although I think it should have been more subtle or discreet to avoid such a backfire, perhaps their personal logo/tag on the can's skin/logo. Just giving a suggestions.
  2. squarebox

    AS50 Bug?

    I'm not sure about public hives but private hive can definitely spawn weapons and equipment(indirectly) by editing inventory and spawn vehicles too. They can even do a roll back if hackers messed up the server.
  3. squarebox

    Why is DayZ so beautiful?

    It's because Dayz tests you as a person and punish you for your mistake just like in real life.
  4. squarebox

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    My only gripe with the updates are the super-eyesight and super-hearing combo of zombies(even crawling sometimes argo a few zeds over a wall) and zeds respawn too quickly.
  5. squarebox

    why destroy tents?

    If your camp can be found, it deserved to be looted and destroyed. I've managed to find a well-stocked 10-tent camp with 5 vehicles belonging to a group of bandits(kiddies) known to kos especially new spawns, we took some ammo and destroy everything including the cars. While doing so, me and my buddies were discussing what if one of the bandits is watching us all this time (because we were busying shoot our m14s and mk48s at their cars to destroy them). Low and behold one of the bandits was actually watching us and started firing upon us with an AK-74 kobra but he was a terrible shot. We took him out and escaped as the other bandits started to login and cursing at us. We laughed all the way back in our heli. This is also the best day of Dayz for me.
  6. squarebox

    A Range Of Behavior

    Due to the fact that most player I met these days KOS, I tend to live in the woods away from major cities(living the bear grylls' way). I'll only help a player(bloodbag and etc) who I've monitored(on side chat) over a few days to determine whether they are friendly or bandit. Normally, I spend most of my time looking for and destroying mega/bandits bases(basically doing my part to control overpowered players which often turn bandit). If i do find a vehicle, I would render a taxi service and eventually giving the vehicle away.
  7. squarebox

    Why hack?

    All of the hackers, I've encounter are terrible players. They are a terrible shots. I often kill them if they forgot to on godmode. The only ones that get me are the ones with godmode or spraying with a MK48 Mod 0.
  8. Me and my bro(both armed with DMR and ghilie) in a sundat were looting a destroy tank spawn uphill on an open field. Looted a DMR as my bro was guarding/hiding around the sundat. As I was returning to the sundat, I see a betty van(bandit armed with assault rifle) and another sundat(bandit's buddy) coming in hot and parked behind our sundat. They stopped, took cover behind their betty van and typed in chat to my bro, "drop your gun and you will not be killed". At that moment which they have not noticed, I was still on the open field, immediately hit the deck and took aim . 2 seconds later, they open fire, Immediately took out the bandit's buddy while my bro took out the bandit a few moments later. They logged instantly after being killed.
  9. If playing alone, I run/hide away and monitor. If the player is hostile/bandit, kill him if not leave them alone. If playing with buddies, scream player and direction. Everyone hits the deck and monitor. If the player is hostile/bandit, kill him if not leave him/her alone.
  10. squarebox

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    1. Be invisible 2. Loot fast 3. Never engage an player unless for self-defense or helping a genuine new player(zed food).
  11. squarebox

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    It's only the hackers that ruin the game. The rest is just simply DayZ.
  12. squarebox

    What is a "Bambi" in DayZ?

    Whether he is a hacker or not, it doesn't really matter to me because I see him as more of an entertainer and a damn good one. Whereas other Dayz youtubers such as JackFrags, sacriel42, Oshiseven and rhinocrunch are more serious about the game. People need to learn the difference between entertainers and gamers. While others will argue that he hacks and ruin the game for others. Seriously, anyone who plays Dayz enough would've face numerous hackers(some far more vicious than him) and learnt to suck it up or quit. Welcome to Dayz.