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About teek

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  1. teek

    DayZ Bug List

    is there any update on what's happening with banned weapons? as you know many private hives run altered loot tables which are now not possible due to unless the server runs rmod (which isn't even supported on dayzcommander) is there going to be any improvements towards coming to a common ground with private hive server owners or is your response still "if you don't like it, fork it" as replied on github? if not, can we please re-open the discussion on which items should be banned on github? the AS50 has no place on the servers I admin, and I know many other private hives feel the same way(actually, most of the top gametracker top 10 do) but we are no longer able to replace it with a weapon such as the l115a1. this thread: https://github.com/R... also, what does banning items to prevent cheating accomplish anyway? it doesn't matter what weapons a hacker has access to when he can kill an entire server with one button.. banning weapons should not be something you should be worried about when pretty much every script kiddie uses killall, tps players into explosions or uses a setdamage script anyway have you seen how wasteland deals with weapons that are banned? on some servers when you pick up any weapon that isn't in the loot table your screen turns black and it instructs you to drop the weapon before you are able to see again (the gear window overlaps the black screen so you can drop it), an option that can be toggled per weapon. just an idea.
  2. friendly bump, i have been playing with a group of people but they seem to be losing interest/distracted by other games, so I'm once again looking for a group or squad (size really doesn't matter, solo players welcome).. i have skype but i prefer to use teamspeak just for the fact that i have other people living with me that sometimes like to create a lot of background noise (i have my own 32 slot teamspeak server so finding one is not a problem) i'm also looking for people to put together a wasteland group as i've been playing that quite a bit over the last month and enjoy it a lot please don't be shy! i'm open to playing with any groups just as long as they're mature you can normally catch me on the BMRF/rambo.us wasteland servers or by adding illusia to your dzc friends list, as far as dayz servers go i usually just hop around to whatever i'm in the mood for, and i like to play a lot of other maps besides chernarus
  3. teek

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    i posted this in the GP forums & posting this here also I also think the server files need to be released ASAP as the US servers do not currently seem capable, they're always full and riddled with desync >75% of the time. right now both have been pinging @ 10k for the last 20-30 minutes. there are also not enough admins on GP to accommodate the current influx of players, and as such the servers have been getting pounded by hackers. NPCs are nearly impossible to kill on the current servers as the desync causes them to teleport back and forth on the client's screen. please do your mod a favour and release the server files so we can experience it the way it was meant to be experienced.
  4. sorry man, had a busy weekend and I wasn't around at all during the day.. what time PST do you normally play until? probably going to have quite a bit of free time this week so I'll be able to hop in teamspeak & play for sure
  5. teek

    help disabled gamer

    as far as i know you can edit your profile and change binds (documents->arma2(or other profiles) and its yourname.arma2oaprofile.) you can open it in a text editor, but assignment is not very straight forward and you may have to dig around the forums or something to find the info you need do you play with 1 hand on the gp and one on the mouse or both on the gamepad? there are also some guides on creating macros that simulate button holds (if you'd like to make a hold-to-crouch macro try setting like this: on press -> keyboard 'x' -> on release -> keyboard 'c')so xpadder should be able to suit your needs if you're up for taking time to set it up I have a friend that lost a few fingers so he plays one hand on a gamepad, one on a mouse.. he just bought a mouse with 12 buttons on the side, something else to consider that may make your life easier if you haven't already :)
  6. teek

    help disabled gamer

    if you can't get it to work using the settings in the menu consider using xpadder xpadder.com it works with the majority of gamepads windows detects
  7. I'm quite busy tonight but we can definitely arrange something for sometime this weekend
  8. I'm a bit busy tonight but will definitely stop by teamspeak for a while tomorrow or sometime this weekend if you'll be around
  9. Hi, are you open to considering someone that can't currently record but has full intentions to? I'm down a desktop due to water damage so I can't record a ton via my laptop atm but it shouldn't be long now before insurance is settled and a replacement is delivered. It's possible to play while recording with dxtory right now, but i drop to about 20-30 fps in larger cities which sometimes isn't very easy to play through. I do run it while I'm playing though so in the event of something happening its just a keystroke away here's my LFG thread from yesterday if you'd like to know more about me: http://dayzmod.com/f... to add to that thread I also have a good amount of experience with both Vegas and Premiere as well as a pretty large background in music and digital art.
  10. thanks for the quick responses! bumping to continue exploring options for the moment
  11. Hey guys, I've been playing DayZ & wasteland day and night for about 3-4 weeks now, and I figure its about time to try to find some similarly skilled/experienced players as solo play is sometimes pretty dull, and the people I do know that play don't have nearly the dedication I do a small about me: 25/m/canada[sk] I've been gaming since my third birthday, and gaming competitively since Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear I have travelled over 5000km to attend FPS tournaments I have a lot of competitive esports experience, including both tournaments on LAN as well as internet based. I can fill any role in wasteland, although I do prefer sniping and/or scouting, I also apparently make a really good decoy :P.. I have a lot of experience leading as well as playing support roles, and I like to think I'd have a lot of value in a squad/group of people. On that note, I do have morals, and I'm not looking for a ruthless bandit squad or any group of players that think killing fresh spawns is fun. I'll kill other bandits or people that are threatening to my group but I will not sit outside of a town with a sole intention of posting up and killing players that do not pose a threat I have ts/mumble/vent/skype, I also run a 32slot teamspeak server off a dedicated linux box, and have plenty of webdesign/server admin/networking experience so I bring more than just skill [or a lackthereof?] to the table :P So if you're looking for an active, highly skilled, mature player with a lot of competitive experience to join your ranks please consider contacting me! I plan on playing this right through standalone very hard, something about this game sucks me in