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About Zyqax

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello. I've played DayZ for a couple of months. This is a very brief explanation of how things went. Week 1~3: Amazing, no flaws, only more interested and more keen to play! Week 4~5 Spotted one "hacking" / "glitching" event, once at each week. Week 6~Present EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Hackers are rampant, this DAYZ Zombie Survival has become ***er Survival. I think before any further development is put into this game -- obliterate the hackers! If you let them keep going, there will be no one left to play. Here's what's happened to me today. I don't mind dying, at all. It happens, it's a game. But when I have legitimately gotten out of several ugly encounters and are up to Day 4 of my survival just to have it INSTANTLY destroyed by some adminhackerfags. It makes me wonder -- why the hell should I bother with this game? NZ 25 [Hosted by www.Orcon.co.nz] was assaulted by this hacking front 38 minutes before this thread was created. People were spawned at the NW Airfield, buildings were set in place, everyone's primary inventories were cleared however Backpacks and Toolbelt Equipment remained. Before I could do anything, I read "All your equipment is inside the HUGE crate in the middle, if you try and leave you will die instantly. Whoever is the last one alive gets out." it also read "heli spawn" ticking down from 2 minutes. If your response is as simple as "Who cares, we'll wait for the standalone", I'll save my time, take my friends and never return here again. But if you are willing to make an honest effort to make this place better -- as good as it once was for all of us. Then I will stay, and continue to invite my friends to do the same! Simply put... FUCKING HELP US!! -- Zyqax
  2. Server: NZ 04 [Hosted by Orcon] Time: 19:35 p.m. [GMT+12] Situation: ... I was looting Balota Airstrip, I got very lucky and had 6 weapons to alternate around. As there were more weapons than I had space, I started expending excess bullets on Zombie Kill Count. Before I get to use my brand new DMR, AK-74 Kobra, PKM, Winchester 1866, Revolver and AK-47 to proper testing -- I find myself teleported to some industrial area where this scrub keeps teleporting people. He kept killing all the people until eventually they all left. As this is my first report of a cheater, I was not prepared to bring Screenshots or Video footage. But it's better to have this reported than not at all, anyway. I believe this guy is STILL online. I refuse to let his assholeism push me away from my favourite server!! (Grrrr!!) -- Zyqax [iGN: Gauss]