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About ViciousHead

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  1. I cant seem to get on this server anymore, I get the following error "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Script Restricion #43". Can anyone advise?
  2. ViciousHead

    Isn't killing the only way to survive longer?

    I still have not killed another player in game. As I play more, I am learning better survival techniques and better ways to approach populated areas. Tonight however, I did return fire to an enemy player. I had no choice, he shot first so I tried to defend myself. Sadly, he got the better of me in the gunfight.
  3. Just had to leave due to the server being hacked. Whitelist isnt on tonight for some reason :(
  4. ViciousHead

    Can these specs. run DayZ?

    Easily. www.canyourunit.com
  5. ViciousHead

    First Kill

    I have not yet killed a human player and I do not want to unless I really have to. I try to avoid getting involved in situations like this unless I know someone is friendly. Last night a guy gunned me down even though I had no equipment...seemed like a pointless kill but it emphasizes how dangerous and ruthless a world this game is set in.
  6. ViciousHead

    Is DayZ becoming a shoot'em up game?

    I like the game but I was hoping that there'd be situations where you HAD to band together to survive. I was expecting things like a zombie horde gathering around resource buildings where players had to team up to fight their way through. Or zombies surrounding areas where players had no choice but to work together to find a way out. As it seems now, the Zombies are more like background chatter in a very big (albeit fun) PvP style map. I have been killed by zombies though :) They are dangerous to me as I've yet to find a gun. Watching people play on Youtube doesn't make them seem very threatening once you get a gun or two though. I'm completely new to the game to be honest so I don't know if these kind of elements are present or not. Feel free to correct me. I've not seen anything like it in any of the various videos I've watched though.
  7. It's my first time playing Day-Z and I've not noticed any hackers. I did see some people getting banned today though. Seems like a good server if you ask me. How do you text chat in game? I've been using "/" but no one responds.
  8. Ok great! Thanks for your help. I did get back on. Got shot for not knowing how to surrender when being held up :D Second attempt saw me get ravaged by a zombie and bleed to death several minutes later. Fun stuff.
  9. Cheers, I found the server but couldn't play because it said I didn't have some DLC that was required (?).
  10. There's 30 players on it at the moment according to the OP's signature thingy :(
  11. I joined the server a little while ago but got disconnected when it reset, now I can't find it using playwithsix again. How can I rejoin?
  12. Player name: ViciousHead Location: Ireland GUID: 4f04879b11d1847e4807f92397410937