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Everything posted by bogroll

  1. I'd love to see more islands personally. The overall map is more sea than land (currently in the present mod). Fill it up with a bit more landmass!!!
  2. bogroll

    Re-Discovered First Person View

    Wondering how so many players can jump onto games of Battlefield, CoD or any other great shooter .. and not somehow explode in rage because it isn't in 1st person. "It makesth me nauseous dude". Lame. Simple fact is this game offered an easy mode to begin with. You can't take it back unfortunately. If it had never existed this game would still have been a hit; Arma players promoted this after all: )How can you teenagerage-quit over a feature that never existed in the first place? Saw a comment on Reddit that I liked... the guy to paraphrase said that the whole point of the Arma engine was in cover (a rock that stops bullets) and concealment (a fucking bush). Being able to observe other players, whilst totally obscured using 3rd person when they can't see you, is frankly pathetic: Teenagers like unfair, but most adults like their games on a level playing field. And that is the crux of the argument. 3rd person is simply unfair. All the other pish counters about nausea (wrong; or you were bullied at school, probably quite rightly), FOV (fixable - and the mildots don't go that off ffs) and it's "more realistic" (Jesuz titty fuckin Christ) are completely invalid. At least some server owners will run 1st person. They also like to switch off the girly aids like crosshairs and nappies/diapers and nannies and other wank. DayZ is perfectly suited to 1st person, and it will be moreso given the SA's focus on authentic realism. Be nice to give the zombies 3rd person view just to piss off the kiddies. Anyway... fuck it.
  3. bogroll

    Hate People Who Shoot On Sight? Help Me Out Here!

    KoS - lol. Any other player out there is a threat. When you see the presence of another player, whether visually, or spawned in zombies, or hearing gunshots in the distance you damn well go to high alert. Why? Because they are a threat to you (and your group). You either drop that player or evade. In some rare situations you may well NOT choose to kill another player, and vice versa. Those interactions are what makes this game so special. Note the word 'rare', but they do happen and are truly memorable.
  4. bogroll

    Defeating the Dew...

    That was great - but you can never subdue the dew.
  5. CCO. MK 48 is a blast in close quarters combat; but med range, unless you're prone with it it'll shoot all over the place. It's not that accurate after the 1st shot. I'll always choose the CCO (just seems really crisp shooting the thing) over a MK 48 unless I'm in a support gunner role with my squad. On my own.. naw. Also remember that thing is a zombie magnet. Mind you, it'll destroy said zombies, but do you really want to go to all that effort? Also M16 mags are plentiful and found all over the joint. A SAW however I would take over both the CCO and Mk 48. That's my beans worth. *Edit* btw here's a really good shopping comparison site: http://dayzc.de/weapons.php
  6. Saw the leaked classified footage. I'll comment based on that without giving anything away honest: 1. If zombies are still attacking through walls and walking under houses, then that'll be really bad. EVEN though it's an alpha you will be eviscerated by the yapping hoard (players and media). 2. Get the zombie animations and pathing working better, even badly - show us work has been done on it. EVEN though it's an alpha you will be eviscerated by the yapping hoard (players and media). 3. Good luck - sure it'll all turn out good! EVEN though it's an alpha you will be eviscerated by the yapping hoard (players and media).
  7. bogroll

    Hip Fire Too Good on Snipers

    You got shot in the chest with a AKM "so i was bleeding". LoL.. Just how arcade has this game become? Were you playing on a server with crosshairs by any chance? If so, don't complain.
  8. Mercenary DayZ: Origins / Taviana. Filter iOGC or IP: No 3rd person. No crosshairs. No tags. No death messages. . Side Chat Enabled (no VON over side though). Dedicated hardware (we rent a box from a Data Center). Active and reasonable Admins - note: we are mature gamers. We DO NOT ban you because you shoot us or steal our gear. We love to game. Any issues like lost gear, suspected scripters etc, then alerting our ingame admins / posting on our forums will get you a quick response. Automatic 3 hour restarts Correct procedure to save your gear in your house on DayZ: Origins: 1. Unlock house. 2. Go inside, close door (don't lock). Nobody can open from outside so you're safe. 3. Access gear, put stuff in. 4. Lock house (this saves to the DB). Mature, sound and 18+ only please. That's about as picky as we get. We host Arma 3, DayZ, Insurgency (new, brilliant and cheap on steam http://store.steampo...com/app/222880/), Minecraft, and pretty much anything else as long as it's good and works well in multiplayer.
  9. 20 players on pretty much constantly, setting up houses/bases. Server updates: * 4 Hour day night cycle fixed. * BE Scripts updated. * Combat timer Fixed. * Can now gut animals. * Can now self blood bag.(!!!)
  10. bogroll


    Hackers - imagine the weedy looking guy that you bullied at school. That's him. Payback's a bitch.
  11. Agreed, but I always find it painful to suggest that to people as decent gear isn't cheap. Core i5, Z77 mobo and Nvidia gtx 660 say for a good gaming experience costs a lot of wonga. We've all been skint once or twice. Something to save up for though :)
  12. bogroll

    50's, L119, or none?

    Just wondering.. are you guys that are developing the mod mimicking the direction that Rocket and his team are going? i.e More survival and less Gucci gear? Don't blame you, but are you being directed to go in that direction to 'ease us in'? I want the high end stuff kept (but much rarer).
  13. bogroll

    Why remove the 50?

    Bollocks. They are. Only the wankers shoot with AK's in the movies. Rambo wouldn't be seen dead shooting from the hip with a PKM. If he did he'd run out of dialogue and start walking into walls. Most of us that play are in the Western hemisphere. We want our guns to be trick and not based on some crap that was lifted from der Nazis just after WW2; also we're really not that hot about the wood effect veneer that you and your Eastern Euro Progressives favour on your rifle butts. We want our Americana; we want plastic rifle butts, leather effect recliners and thumping music. You don't do any of that in Eastern Europe.
  14. Picking up momentum. There's a market out there for 1st person merc servers after all.
  15. bogroll

    Any knowledge on SA requirements?

    If anybody wants an Arma 3 light key I have 3 to happily give away. Steam name is SaL. I love it.. looking forward to the beta.
  16. bogroll

    Any knowledge on SA requirements?

    Care to elaborate on this statement. I run Arma 2 / DayZ at much higher frames than Arma 3. I realise that the video options in Arma 3 differ a fair bit from the Arma 2 engine, but I can't understand why you're giving the impression to us that DayZ/SA will perform significantly better than it does at the moment. The whole graphics engine is pretty damned old isn't it?
  17. bogroll

    Want free stuff? PAY 5 DOLLARS.

    Something, anything is exactly worth what you are prepared to pay for it. If some nodule wants to cough up 5 fat ones to get ridiculous starter gear, then in my opinion he/she is a fool, but they are entitled to be so. They paid for the privilege. Interesting fact: did you know that you can join games of DayZ for free?
  18. bogroll

    Why remove the 50?

    Then I assume you'd like to see all variants of the M16 gone too. Also, why you're there, delete the M240, the Saw, the M4, the M24, the 1911.... repeat to fade. The NVG's are also of an American design.. also the range finder - get rid of those as well - wtf not. Sorry but US weapons are far more iconic in my personal opinion but hey ho. Give me a break. As far as 50's go they were there at the start of the game over a year ago and have been ever since..... and you think that by losing them you are improving it?
  19. bogroll

    Who wants to see bears is SA?

    More squirrels.
  20. bogroll

    Fun Event TODAY

    KK - I'll be there
  21. We are recruiting so read the blurb here. Mature, sound and 18+ only please. That's about as picky as we get. Playing Origins atm.. personally I don't get it, but the rest of the crew are enjoying it. We have our own TS server so register and see how you get on with us. FYI - I've been in a few clans/communities over the years.. but this one is by far the best. Solid bunch.
  22. In order to get our hardcore server auto-restarting we had to change all our flags to zero in recruit/regular: iOGC Namalsk (build 103xxx) [ EXPERT ]3DP:OFF|Tracers:OFF|NP:OFF|DM:OFF|CH:OFF ][3 HR RESTARTS][GMT-6] -iogc.co.uk Unfortunately we can't get the Nameplate tag to switch off in DayZC - driving us nuts. Does anybody have any idea of the correct syntax to do this? Many thanks.