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Everything posted by ToddTaylor

  1. ToddTaylor

    To those who look down on bandits/pvp...

    Yet another guy who was can't stand getting owned so he bought his own server.
  2. I had mentioned quite a few more issues than that. As for the others having problems. The tech support is BY EMAIL ONLY. Yeah, have fun with that.
  3. Put these two things together, and tell me how I wreak (it's reek, by the way) of ignorance.
  4. What the hell is going on with the couple thousand Dayz.st servers that have broken tents. They aren't even just broke, they are duping everything you take out at the next server restart. OK one or two days might have been understandable, but for two weeks? If you are in the business of providing Dayz.st servers, then provide WORKING servers! I basically can't play on a couple thousand servers, including custom maps because of this. How are the people who rent the servers OK with this? It's absolutely horrible service. Two weeks to make a DB save some in game items, LOL! If it's your shitty DB replace it, because you honestly have THOUSANDS of broken servers!
  5. I love how on shitty ass Dayz.st servers you cannot even reload chopper ammo without downloading additional programs, and adjusting the FTP yourself. I mean that's just basic Dayz functionality, it's not like a mod. Laziest company I've ever encountered, and before anybody says..."then why don't you go stop using them?". I did, it's just ridiculous how much time gets invested in getting a server running, and you basically are fighting DDOS, Battleye, database saves, stability, service outages, all of that nearly constantly. Oh and by default the server doesn't even work, lol! Reloading the choppers is just vanilla DayZ. You guys suck, gratz on almost fixing the tents (try to get rid of an old tent without purging it from the DB by hand, lol).
  6. It never really got fixed. Not correctly anyway.
  7. ToddTaylor

    Low FPS, Bad Performance issues.

    Three paragraphs is a total "shrug off"? Cool story bro. Oh, and you say "well I don't know hardware", but yet you comment on it? Yes, I know I often find myself giving advice on things I know nothing about, and then following it up with " but I don't know anything about this", wtf?. Finally. since you are an obvious moron, let me just point out to you that your i5 DESKTOP chip smokes any NOTEBOOK chip currently on the market, or any chip that will probably be on the NOTEBOOK market for the near foreseeable future.
  8. ToddTaylor

    Low FPS, Bad Performance issues.

    You're an idiot. The OP clearly states he has a i7 mobile chip. That bears no resemblance, or connection to the i7 desktop lineup...ZERO. Also please enlighten us all as to what single chip runs the game better than an i7 desktop chip? Please, just one. Where do you people get your info? i7 smokes any other commercially available chip easily, and in virtually every app, game, or benchmark known to man. Get your shit right, man. Anyway for the OP, the game just runs like shit. I think it's the Dayz code, because arma 2 runs fairly well, although even it isn't exactly smooth as glass. I've played the game extensively on two decent systems, an i5 with x2 6870, and an i7 with a GTX 680, and it just doesn't matter what you throw at the game hardware-wise, you will drop to shit frames in some places. Some Youtubers are running i7, with gtx 690, and still reporting 28-35 FPS in Cherno, and Elektro! So get used to it, basically. It still a good game, just turn shit down, the game looks good enough anyway. I would say drop down to 1600x900 resolution, that should give you a bigger jump than any other setting, and obviously have ATOC,antialias(use the FXAA),motion blur, and vsync OFF. I mix up my settings with my i7,gtx680 set up, but lean towards the high end at 1080p, and the FPS is so varied. Like I'll be in the 70 average range, but Cherno can still bring me down to the mid 30s. Some would say that's a playable framerate, but believe me I didn't buy a GTX 680 to run a two year old game at 35 FPS, it's ridiculous really. You just live with it, because it is a neat little mod. Enjoy the game, man.
  9. I've been reading recently that Rocket expects the game to run "about the same" as the current mod. Of course with better, maps, and more Zeds, and an improved environment, I get that, but performance currently is shit. The test server was running at 25 FPS last week in Alpha testing? That's awful, and I hope standalone is not targeting some unacceptable 30fps at 1080p. on max settings with a high end system. 30 FPS like the game dips to at times presently is not sufficient. I'm worried we are going to be playing a prettier, and better Dayz, but still having to deal with these awful FPS dips. I wonder if the Arma engine is even up to the task? I hope so, but talk of a stable 60FPS on max settings would be like music to my ears.
  10. No man, when it's done they are saying it will run like the current Mod.
  11. Huh? if it is the Dayz code, then why are the Dayz server's tents working perfectly? Anyway you slice it, the tents have been broke for two weeks, and the maps are unplayable with dupes, and no tents. Oh but we can just ask the admins to give us all Urals, yeah thats a great fix, lol.
  12. They've been broke for almost two weeks, man! You keep talking about adding servers, and advertising, and yet in two weeks you can't even achieve basic functionality. If it's a DB problem then get a new DB, I mean shit you brag about having 3k servers, and yet you can't even make 1 server work right. Terrible service right now, awful attitude too.
  13. ToddTaylor

    To those who look down on bandits/pvp...

    I don't mind bandits, it's just simply too easy to do. You post up with some cover, and wait for survivors to go for the loot, and you blast them. It's just a lot easier to be a bandit in Dayz than not. So it's not that I have a problem with them, it's just that most of them act like they are "hardcore" or something, when banditry is easymode.
  14. ToddTaylor

    Why am i havinf fps issues?

    You must mean just Cherno, or Elektra?
  15. Well I died for the first time since the patch, and started with nothing outside of Elektra. I'm going to make this short, and sweet. It was incredibly challenging to get supplies while solo in Elektra with no kit. I had forgotten how fun a real zombie threat could be! Good patch, and thank-you!
  16. ToddTaylor

    Game is a challenge again, good patch!

    You need to play on a server with more than two people then, because the increased hearing, and sheer number of zombies changes the dynamic completely on a server that has players. You're probably terrible, and only interact with Zombies so I forgive you.
  17. I'm surprised you get 30 FPS out of that, I would not think there is much left.
  18. ToddTaylor

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    on a vanilla DayZ server, ammo would be the currency in my opinion.
  19. Well the really sad news is that even if you have a super computer (which I do) the life servers seem to be the new haven for hackers. I really liek the Life mods, Wasteland, Battleguns, etc, but they are simply being hacked to bits. I'v eyet to play more than an hour without running into a god-mode, a teleporter, a gear spawner, or most common.....all of the aforementioned.
  20. Why does L85 do over double the damage of the other STANAG guns on the same, very common ammo? So it's a quiter FAL, but with 30rd. mags that are ten times as easy to get as FAL ammo, oh and it has optics as opposed to the FAL's iron sights. Is this wiki entry wrong? http://www.dayzwiki..../L85A2_RIS_Holo
  21. ToddTaylor

    L85=8000 blood damage on Stanag?

    Yeah I just was able to borrow one in game, and the dayzwiki is wrong...
  22. what a waste of ammo, OP must be an admin.
  23. ToddTaylor

    worth buying arma now?

    Arma 2 is only 15 bucks, and the SA isnt coming out for at least a couple months. That's still two months minimum of gaming, at .25 cents a day! It's a no-brainer really.
  24. ToddTaylor

    M40A3 Sniper

    I've only heard of them dropping from helicrashes