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Everything posted by ToddTaylor

  1. Title says it all. I'm normally a "Hero" in playstyle, but I like wearing a Ghillie for the obvious benefits it gives. How do you react to ghillied players?
  2. ToddTaylor

    Do you KOS players in Ghillie suits?

    Well you can't actually loot a ghillie that was being worn at the time of death I'm afraid. edit- Oh and I seem to find a very high rate of ghillies in both the large red residential houses, and chopper crashes, especially the latter.
  3. ToddTaylor

    DayZ Bug List

    I'm confused, are g36 SD variants in the official mod, or not?
  4. ToddTaylor

    Playing at night

    The problem with night is that 99% of veterans, and bandits simply adjust their video options, and PRESTO! no more night. Night needs to be recoded, because presently you are only effected by it if you choose to be. I think thats the main reason so many private servers run 24/7 day time. Not because they don't like playing at night, but because there are too many people exploiting it to kill defenseless noobs.
  5. They have a very high chance of spawning at intervals of between 35, and 65 minutes.
  6. After fighting with hackers for three weeks, and practically pulling my hair out sifting through logs, I have decided to go with a password only server. The server is up this now as a "trial with no membership" so you can just log on, and try it out. I am using a blogspot page for membership requests. Script kiddies are everywhere, and at times on my old Chernarus map I'm fairly certain over half the players had some sort of exploit, or spawned gear, invulnerability, invisible vehicles, radar, no grass, etc, etc. It's sad, and while I didn't play on the server myself regularly, even I was effected on a couple unarmed Hero/Bambi rescue missions, and that was despite spending maybe 2 hours total time on the server! Passwords make it more personal, and if it can weed out even more cheaters, then that is what we will do! Dayz is too awesome of a game for me to let them ruin it for the people who play fairly, and enjoy the challenges of the game. If you would prefer some anonymity you can still apply for membership by simply messaging the blogspot community site I will provide below. Also there is a Ventrilo server, although I am seldom on it myself. I am going to do my best to provide a great server for people to experience Dayz. http://shastasdayz.blogspot.com/ A little about my server; We have just launched a Taviana server, which I am very pleased with. The map has been modified slightly to have slightly fewer .50 Cal sniper guns, and fewer military grade vehicles as a percentage of the total allowable vehicle count. While PvP is always an adrenaline rush in Dayz, this is probably not the server for a militant "squad" that prefers only PvP with other squads. My server consisted of mostly groups of 2 to 5 friends and survivors. The zeds hit hard, and there are plenty of them. I am fairly active as an admin, but would like to have a community that needs very little policing. I am not planning on playing on this server as Arma2, and Namalsk has taken up nearly all my game time, but I might make an occasional unarmed Bambi rescue. It's a good, persistent community, and side chat will not be abused. We do love our Bandits too, though! All play styles are welcome, we can just do without the cheaters. I have 50 slots, but will increase to 65, and possibly 100 as needed. Because of time zones, I expect to have 100-120 members. Dayz commander entry; DayzTaviana|ShastasDayz01 IP; port-3238 Again the passwords will be required in February, before that time you can still come in, and check it out. Recently switched to an East Coast US host! Great performance.
  7. Yeah everybody likes the dogs. Really big thanks to Pixel from Open Dayz on the K-9s. That guy is full of really creative ideas. Don't forget to download ventrilo, the vent address is iodine.typefrag.com port-39025
  8. Hey thanks guys! We've been really busy, and I've moved the rules, and some general info to here; http://shastasdayz.blogspot.com/
  9. Updates 1/26 Gotcha Anti-hack Custom handmade anti-hack scripts New loot tables and now NO .50 Cal Sniper GUNS New guns including G36C, Saiga 12k, AK 107 PSO, SVD, m40, AK 107 Kobra, RPK 75 Lift script enabled for helicopters Limited Military Vehicles Shortened 3 hour "mini-nights" with full dusk, full twilight, and shortened darkness, (but otherwise unaltered darkness) NEW 24/7 "ADMIN HELP ME!" text system* A few clans, and groups have begun to populate our little world. I have managed to keep it virtually, if not totally hacker free. The .50 Cal sniper guns were replaced with m40s, and SVDs. So in other words snipers are still welcome, but I just can't see a place for the Barret, or the AS50 in the Dayz core experience. Some other aspects of the map have been customized for a more pure Dayz feel, and military vehicles while still somewhat present, are rare and special. Visibility on most days in Taviana is probably about 800 yards, although a sunny afternoon can offer visibility up to 1.5-1.75km. It's been a lot of fun so far, and we'd love to have a few more survivors, bandits, and heros. Currently two clans have been living on ShastasDayz01, with ten members between them, and another dozen or so lone wolfs. If you want near 24/7 protection against hackers, and you would like to play a Taviana map with no Rmod, no .50 Cal guns, a toned down inventory of military vehicles, and no admin players...Come check us out at IP- port-3238. I take a lot of pride in making the server, and all the spawns run correctly. I'm very serious about games, and I aim to have the fairest, cleanest, and purest Dayz inspired Taviana server available. *Any message in side chat with the prefix "#AdminHELPME#" will send a text message to me in real time, which I will follow up on as soon as my schedule permits.
  10. After fighting with hackers for two weeks, and practically pulling my hair out sifting through logs, I have decided to go with a password only server. The server is up this week as a "trial with no membership" so you can just log on, and try it out. I am using a Facebook page for membership requests. Now some people might say that is a bit personal for a video game, but let me explain why I am doing it like this. Script kiddies are everywhere, and at times on my Chernarus map I'm fairly certain over half the players had some sort of exploit, or spawned gear, invulnerability, invisible vehicles, radar, no grass, etc, etc. It's sad, and while I didn't play on the server myself regularly, even I was effected on a couple unarmed Hero/Bambi rescue missions, and that was despite spending maybe 2 hours total time on the server. Facebook is slightly personal, and if it can weed out even more cheaters, then that is what we will do! Dayz is too awesome of a game for me to let them ruin it for the people who play fairly, and enjoy the challenges of the game. If you would prefer some anonymity you can still apply for membership by simply messaging the Facebook community site I will provide below. Also there is a Ventrilo server, although I am seldom on it myself. I am going to do my best to provide a great server for people to experience Dayz. http://www.facebook.com/ShastaDayz A little about my server; We have just launched a Taviana server, which I am very pleased with. The map has been modified slightly to have slightly fewer .50 Cal sniper guns, and fewer military grade vehicles as a percentage of the total allowable vehicle count. While PvP is always an adrenaline rush in Dayz, this is probably not the server for a militant "squad" that prefers only PvP with other squads. My server consisted of mostly groups of 2 to 5 friends and survivors. The zeds hit hard, and there are plenty of them. I am fairly active as an admin, but would like to have a community that needs very little policing. I am not planning on playing on this server as Arma2, and Namalsk has taken up nearly all my game time, but I might make an occasional unarmed Bambi rescue. It's a good, persistent community, and side chat will not be abused. We do love our Bandits too, though! All play styles are welcome, we can just do without the cheaters. I have 50 slots, but will increase to 65, and possibly 100 as needed. Because of time zones, I expect to have 100-120 members. Dayz commander entry; DayzTaviana|ShastasDayz01|Active admin,community based|password needed soon register at www.facebook.com/ShastaDayz |PvP|, Survivors, and Bandits IP; Again the passwords will be required on January 21st, before that time you can still come in, and check it out.
  11. hehe, thanks guys. I had been spelling it Tatiana for days now. Taviana it is!
  12. ToddTaylor

    Getting accused for hacking?

    There are so many damn hackers in Dayz that this happens quite a bit. Most admins figure "better safe than sorry"
  13. Does anyone have, or know where to find a complete list of vehicles enabled on Taviana? We are using Dayz.st, and I was wondering too is there an easy way to enable vehicles, that is without running an rmod server?
  14. A buddy, and I started a server a few weeks ago. It is mostly pretty good, and we have a little community, but there are so many hackers! Not even just the obvious hackers, but all the people who spawn gear, tent it, then "find" the gear on their real characters. Any advice for some guys who have a strictly vanilla Dayz server, and don't want to spend too much time? How much do passwords help? What about getting our server white listed?
  15. ToddTaylor


    I noticed on our map we have as couple land rover vehicles. One is listed as an Offroad, and another is listed as Landrover?. Are these the same vehicles? I see a lot of different stats for them as well, does anyone know what the actual inventory slots are on these things? Thanks.
  16. ToddTaylor


    OK thanks
  17. ToddTaylor


    Well I am confused. I have seen a BAF offroad, righthand drive, with benches in the back, and a tire on the left side of it, and I have seen a tan landrover that is almost the same, but it is a little more fancy, and has a tire on the hood. Are the stats on these the same? and is it 90/20 for inventory, or 50/10, or 150/20. I have seen all three of these numbers on the net. edit, and no this was on
  18. ToddTaylor


    Thanks guys, so are the Landrover, and the BAF_offroad the same other than skin? Also I saw some people list the landrover, and BAF as having more inventory slots than 50, anybody know about that?
  19. We have recently made a private hive. This is a vanilla Dayz, with no special loadouts, and no Rmod military material. It is the game the way it is supposed to be played. The admin does play here, as many times the server owners are no better than hackers, right? Server starts every 12 hours, so expect daily twilight, and some darkness (8am to 8pm game time). There are 100 vehicles max, and the setting are veteran. We run complete batch dumps every twelve hours, plus have an admin capable of bannings, and kicks online 18 to 20 hours a day! Server IP- port:3391 Ventrilo server- iodine.typefrag.com port: 39025 We are bringing the game back to players who miss the pure, challenging experience of Dayz the way Rocket intended it, with no crazy loadouts, no Admins running around with as50s and Nato rounds falling out of their Apache helicopters, and normal drop rates on everything. Bandits welcome, survivors welcome, hackers will have GUI banned, and submitted to Battleye/Steam banned GUI database.