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Posts posted by c.noseworthy@gmail.com

  1. I wasn't invisible sorry, I had an AS 50 and nailed you from 800 meters.

    Not sure why you think I am invisible, fact I was laying in tree's and sniping out a camp close by. Guille suit and AS50.

    edited: I was not on your heels, in fact you were running parallel to me then turned and ran straight towards me, first shot I missed second hit. Maybe you didn't hear.

    If that's the case then I apologise. I was shot at on three occasions. First i was chilling under a tree checking my map, and I was shot at repeatedly from close range (because I heard the report at nearly the same time as the impacts around me), then I got up and booked it into the forest for almost 1000 meters or so, all serpentine. I quickly changed into a ghillie suit and I was under a tree, prone in a gully when suddenly I was shot at again, from close range, but all shots missed. I ran again, along the gully for about 2 minutes (this was up in the NE near blunt rocks) until I noticed a tent. I really shouldn't have stopped to check it out because I was shot in the back, again from what seemed like close range.

    So does any of that thrilling chase sound familiar?

  2. Aww man this makes me miss the bike even more :( . I had that thing for three weeks. And then one day I'm leaving the Pobeda Dam and a goddamn fluffy bunny rabbit runs into the middle of the road; I'm going about 80 and there is no time to swerve so I decide to squish him. Next thing I know, I am flung off the bike and bleeding, the bike is wrecked, and the bunny? He was fine! What an asshole.

  3. I don't suppose another vehicle was a covered ural transport up near skalka was it? -_-' if it was I'de like you to consider grouping up with me. Since we seem to be doing the same things.

    No that wasn't me. So far I have found 4 boats, two ATVs, an s1203 and your heli ;)

    I felt bad about the S1203 though: After running around for hours securing parts, just as I was approaching it with the engine I spotted someone else right beside it. I panicked, and as soon as he got in the van I shot him in the head. He turned out to be unarmed :blush: so I drove the van to the Fire Station in Elektro and ran away in shame.

    As for teaming up, I would not be opposed to doing so, as long as it helps me acquire my dream vehicle, the offroad pickup truck. That is one sexy truck.

  4. Well played. I spent all day running around stalisky repairing it with parts from the 3 small industrials. I come back half an hour later from taking a food break my friends on his way with a rotor assembly I go to the chopper to check for the jerry can I knew was in it to use the boat I found to pick him up and it's gone so not thinking since nobody has come all day I figure the server ate it so I go check the small industrials for a jerry can I get there nothing check the boathouse nothing...then I hear the chopper spin up turn around and watch it fly off. Well played sir.

    It was I, ol' Bill Murray who took your chopper. I happened to have a rotor assembly and I was on Skalisty earlier when I saw the chopper. (Actually from another post of yours apparently it was you who shot me in the house by the docks). Unfortunately I was not aware that absolutely everything had to be fixed for the chopper to not leak fuel like a bastard. About two minutes after takeoff it ran out of fuel and I crashed into the side of a hill and nearly died. I felt pretty sheepish since it was the first day that the chopper had appeared and I crashed the thing.

    This server is so weird man, I have not really seen anyone, but multiple times I have been fixing up a vehicle only to come back to it and someone has put gear in it and fixed it up some. Every vehicle I have successfully fixed up has been a team effort with some unseen player, its ridiculous.

  5. Sorry about that I walked in and seen a guy in a ghillie suit standing there with an m16 pointed at me my first instinct was to put a clip of 1911 into his head. That was the last place I expected anyone to be I guess you were thinking the same.

    Aww man just found this post now. I wonder if you are referring to the inside of a building on the island. I logged out and then back in to try to force update Battleye and as soon as i spawned I was dead. But I ended up in the debug fields then reconnected on the coast near Komarovo with all my gear.

  6. not seen any screenshots of any other spawn then the island yet.. im calling BS.

    Island is a decent spawn point, since you have to be organised to get all the parts over to the island. this stops random players on their own finding choppers and leaves them to the organised groups who have numbers and plans in place etc. would be ridiculous for a random lone survivor to get a helo and crash it in 2 mins, just to have to wait days for it to respawn..

    :| That's what I did. Was worth it though. I will be better prepared next time. Speaking of which, is there a different respawn timeframe for helos? Or is it approximately a week?

  7. I was not killed, nor was I in shock, I merely noticed that all the zeds were standing around and would not aggro, so I thought "this is bullshit, no challenge", so I aborted to the lobby and went right back in. Unconscious, but only for like 5 minutes. Now every time I log in (home server - haven't tried others yet) I am unconscious. So the only solution is a total reset or does this actually stop happening after some time like some have said?

  8. v1.7.2.3 and beta patch 94876 are working fine for me. However, I am getting a lot of 'frozen' zombies, killing zombies is not added to my debug monitor and also I had to reload my hatchet.

    Forgive me if these are known issues, I haven't played for a few versions.

    Next step I'm looking at is moving back to 94945, didnt work for me before however some people are now seemingly able to play with it and others still are not.

    I am having this issue as well with .94876. Last time this happened to me when I logged in later I was back where I started before. I think it just means that your character isn't connecting to the hive maybe.

  9. I remember reading a thread somewhere on here where the poster was saying it didn't make sense to have every infected have the same senses; the way it is now, I feel like each infected is almost unique. Sometimes I am spotted by one from 50-100m away when I am crouch-walking, but other times I have had them practically make eye contact from a couple meters away while I stand up straight and they just shamble on by. It's almost as if some have keener senses than others. The uncertainty and unpredictability is refreshing. I think it must have something to do with whatever the hell "exponent driven probablity" is - there is a "random" chance that you may be spotted from afar.
