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Everything posted by premiumkrap

  1. premiumkrap

    DayZ Steam group

    hmm me and a few others started one a week or so ago...it died out tho as we all play at different times. its hard to find a person to link up with every day. Ive got 2 others I play with regularely, our trio is pretty good.
  2. premiumkrap

    Survivor Group anybody?

    Yeah but tbh dude that's not really the point of the mod. I don't know why anyone would download a zombie survival mod just to hunt animals. If you ignore 99% of the content there's no point having it. so true. Why even play? half the fun is sneeking through town looking for supplies and running into other players.......WHAT if u accidently run into a zombie or player that decides to shoot you and u...wheres ur medical supplies come from? trust me, Bambi doesnt have bandages.
  3. premiumkrap

    Introduce yourselves

    Blackwater here, great mod, really freaking great. Ive got a small group of survivors i trust and play with regularly, we are friendly travelers but will not hesitate to defend the group.