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Everything posted by premiumkrap

  1. premiumkrap

    Hackers attack

    I was totally wondering the same...that sounds like McLovin
  2. premiumkrap

    Dallas 11 and KC1

    was wondering the same, i figured it went down for patching...but its been a few days now. We started a camp there, what a waste!
  3. premiumkrap

    Build Hotfix

    Ill add the the bad FPS crowd...cant play on almost every server i jump on.
  4. premiumkrap

    What was that? A Meteor?

    yeah...what the hell was that...i was thinking it was a grenade thrown by some ambushers...but doesnt seem that was the case. probably a hacker
  5. premiumkrap

    Hmmmm, need some input.

    1. IF it is implimented..it would be treated as vehicles and tents. And so far, vehicles and tents only save to the server you found or started them on. 2.Your vehicle will save, but only on the server...it will not follow you from server to server. 3. Im assuming it will be moved over to A3. 4.this MOD is in Alpha...your asking too much, its still a concept....and whatever it becomes, is what it becomes. Its not for everyone.
  6. premiumkrap

    Where do you play DayZ?

    Arma 2 works on this? o_O Ya seriously....dayZ runs on that ?lol
  7. premiumkrap

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    A W E S O M E
  8. premiumkrap

    What was your dumbest death?

    how about this one....I accidently clicked restart on the menu, killing my character. It pissed me off
  9. premiumkrap

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Direct chat would need to be fixed...remove all text chat like you wanted to rocket, but make sure direct chat works. this would be good,
  10. premiumkrap

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    this is how it USE to be, for all you new guys....not knowing if he was going to kill you or not was half the battle of coming into conact with other people..the dynamic worked well. I played through the bandit skin transition. Im glad its dissapearing, and going back to the way it use to be. obtainable skins is going to be awesome.
  11. premiumkrap

    [EU][FIN] Finnish ARMA Guys

    um...is anyone thinking what i'm thinking?
  12. premiumkrap

    Most shocking thing you've seen.

    Was a pitch black night, u know, one of those nights you can only see the stars above you. I decided to use the light equipped on my m16a4 rifle just to get a quick idea of where I was. I only wanted to flash for a second to keep from getting sighted by others, so i clicked it on. In a quick on/off flash, 10 meters in front of me sat another survivor. I startled him, he shot twice, I clicked my light on again and unloaded 8-10 shots from my rifle. I am most certain we startled eachother and well... He brought a makarov to an m16 party. I felt bad, but I'm glad it wasn't lethargy died.
  13. premiumkrap

    MERGED: Everything poop and pee

    im not even gonna respond on this thread...oh wait i just did. crap
  14. premiumkrap

    DayZ Cinematic Screens

    these look cool man, good work.
  15. premiumkrap

    What's a bandit look like?

    its not a "mask" its called a "shemagh". Its a type of scarf thats used to cover the face for multiple reasons in real world scenarios....identity concealment, camoflauge, weather,insects....etc..etc. They are pretty handy actually, i own 3 myself. Google it if you dont know what they look like.
  16. premiumkrap

    Just a quick question.

    hit F untill you see "flare" on the top right of your screen...this cycles through your "weapons"
  17. premiumkrap

    Why does hardly anyone go north??

    if your not heading straight north or away from the coast as soon as you spawn in...your wrong.
  18. I wish you guys would keep info like this to yourself. It's not survival of the smartest/fittest if your throwing this info out there. Your also helping bandits when u throw this stuff up. I guess I'm just greedy and overly addicted to this mod :) and paranoid lol. But good post man. Good to know there's other mature smart people playing this game and not a bunch of 12 yr olds.
  19. premiumkrap

    House DESTROYED by Zombies!!!!

    that was cool, good thing it didnt kill you or knock you unconsious with all those Z's around
  20. Anyone from Hawaii?
  21. premiumkrap

    How the bandits took everything from me

    you should have shot at them, KILL KILL KILL
  22. premiumkrap


    youve gotta take into consideration that the "game"...or "concept" is still in Alpha testing. Recently there was an update that upped the amount of zombie spawns...so were technically testing that update. ...try crawling to avoid Z's
  23. premiumkrap

    I found a Radio

    if you cant find green mountain...then you shouldnt know about green mountain. :) i've investigated the area...nothing there 1st RULE: You do not talk about Green Mountain. 2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about Green Mountain 3rd RULE: If someone says "Green" or "Mountain" shoot them in the foot so they cant follow you.