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Everything posted by premiumkrap

  1. premiumkrap

    weapon legit?

    Looted an M4A1 camo CCO....is this legit?. Been playin since April and have never seen the camo CCO...
  2. premiumkrap

    weapon legit?

    yeah....but the one i have isnt the SD version
  3. premiumkrap

    weapon legit?

  4. premiumkrap

    Hacker in berezino apartments

    Yeah. I know of this spot, I refuse to use it to my advantage tho.
  5. premiumkrap

    Add more diversity to the wilderness

    great idea
  6. premiumkrap

    Changing Name

    You'll be fine, I switch around on 2 diff names all the time
  7. premiumkrap

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    kinda wish they would bring back the bandit skins or some sort of marker for those that murder others
  8. premiumkrap

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    about that google map view question...making maps with actual earth imagery is what i do with the US army. If i can somehow extract the building file (the part that puts all the grey squares on the map) i can make something pretty spiffy.i might be able to create each one by hand, but that would take forever. i would be able to produce some awesome maps. I do "tactical analysis" and produce graphical visual aids , so you can get an idea of what i can do. interestingly. i probably have unclassified terrain and other types of data back at the office i can look through for the area.
  9. using the most current beta?...cus direct chat has worked for me all night using .5
  10. premiumkrap

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    zombies bug out and glitch around pretty bad when inside buildings...specifically apartments/multi story buildings. I remember it being much more smooth.
  11. premiumkrap

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    i can see the gang territory knife fights now... *Cue michael jackson music*
  12. premiumkrap

    Flare and Chemlight attachment points

    i started a thread about this a couple days ago...i couldnt find one already started and then i accidently stumble on this one, I agree totally on the chem light placement. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7942&page=2&highlight=chem+light
  13. premiumkrap

    Chem light placement

    Suggestion: I think that when picking up a Chem light(or military flashlight) , it should be placed/attached to the front of your vest, directly on the chest instead of it being held I am in the military, and you will never hold it in your hand with your weapon, its impractical. If we can implement the placing of the chem light(or military flash light) on your chest vest, it would be awesome. booya.
  14. premiumkrap

    DayZ on pirated ARMA 2

    wow. what an idiot
  15. premiumkrap

    Standoff at Krasnotsav Control Tower

    great video. you got lucky
  16. premiumkrap

    Chem light placement

    More! More!
  17. good job man. awesome vid, those barracks can be a deathtrap sometimes
  18. premiumkrap

    Does Directional Channel voice chat work?

    Direct chat can really make/break the game...i wish all servers had it, BUT how many servers are running beta patch? its pretty counter productive if you ahve it installed, and others dont...
  19. premiumkrap

    An easier placement of tents.

    Ill second that, really hard to find a good spot to place a tent. why is there even a problem with placing to close to trees?
  20. premiumkrap

    Chem light placement

    Anyone else got input on this?
  21. premiumkrap

    Chem light placement

  22. premiumkrap

    Rocket's Video of the week: 25 May 2012

    hillarious as the end, wasnt expecting it. but you cant trust anyone!!!
  23. premiumkrap

    Problem re-entering a game.

    its a bug that came along with the hotfix patch today...expect another hotfix patch soon. keep checking the "announcements" area. And dont forget, this mod is in ALPHA stages...the community...Me, and including you are testers at this point.
  24. premiumkrap

    West Coast Group

    bumping this. Ive found 2 ppl that play out of hawaii, anymore west coasters?