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Everything posted by root

  1. root

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Just two videos I made few dayz ago:
  2. root

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    By Sumrak from http://www.nightstalkers.cz/en_index_nc.php So hopefully today :D ?
  3. root

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Sumrak please add bloodsuckers and make them randomly spawn (one per spawn slot would be enough :) ) just in the woods near high military loots, and make them hard, that 2 players will have problems to kill one. One player shouldn't be able to kill it or outrun it as we can do with zombies. That would add extra in to game so players would fear to go in to woods near the high military loots by themselfs. And thx for porting Dayz in to Namalsk.
  4. root

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Let's count in how many days Vilayer steal this idea/map and will re-brand it.
  5. Yeah, we had good laugh :) ... but what were you doing there that far so alone? We were surprised that we met somebody.
  6. What happened yesterday evening on EU server: Met with 3 of my friends in Cherno run to Stary from there to Prud lake then to NWAF. One of my friends stole ambulance from south barracks, while somebody was still sitting inside. Then we killed him (maybe he hoped we won't notice him), looted him and disappeared in the woods. Once we thought it save to stop we stopped and eat. Then we wanted to go pick up one of our friend and while we were driving someone started shooting at us. He destroyed front wheels so we had to stop. We got out to get him but I think he was new to the game because he threw grenade at us but not far away from him and killed himself ..... Unlucky (won't name you) ... If you would use that nade properly you would kill us all :). As well we tried for first time Chloroform which we found in ambulance, I will post video later on.
  7. Try MSI afterburner http://event.msi.com/vga/afterburner/download.htm ... It's free and good.
  8. root

    Points and score, GAMETRACKER

    Who cares for any stats? I don't. I hope they will remove debug monitor for good from Dayz standalone.
  9. root

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    You should try out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/96474-dayz-redux-dayz-purist-focused-custom-dayz-mod-formerly-dayz-diaf/
  10. Thx for the forum and EU server Venthos. I had fun yesterday, it felt like real post-apocalyptic world ... things are not easy to find and I like that. Killed three people and helped one player to get back on feet after he was attacked with a hatchet and got broken bones and low on blood.
  11. root

    Killed when joined server

    Same happened to me on SK1 some time ago. There were two of us on the server. The strange thing was that just before I seen "You are dead" screen I heard someone running toward me. Don't know maybe it's a bug or some kind of cheat.
  12. root

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    I would come as well. Could you PM me details (server,map,time) please?
  13. root

    Stuck at Final loading screen

    It's not just you. More players are having the same problem including me. Once day it was fine and another day I was stuck. I have tried everything ...... except doing fresh installation of Windows, which I'm not gonna do. I just would like to mentioned that I'm having that issue on Villayer servers.
  14. Hi Venthos, as I'm getting tired of AS50's and L85's everywhere I'm going to try Redux. I have two questions :). What is the chance that m14 AIM will come back? What's the faster war to get whitelisted? Send you PM here or via http://www.dayzredux.com/ ? Thank you.
  15. root

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Another link http://jonnodyson.tumblr.com/post/33661906603/dayzdev-interior-work-in-progress-screenshots with the same pictures. I love the background theme of that website.
  16. root

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    As rocket mentioned in one of his posts it will be added later on.
  17. root

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Love it. Eventually we got some news :). And rocket I approve "The road" movie. I love that movie and seen it few times. I hope Dayz game will have the same atmosphere as that movie. Good work.
  18. root

    DayZ Development Twitter

    YEAH wider doors :D rocket please share more ingame pictures if possible thx
  19. root

    GamesTM Magazine - Nov 2012 - Article

    Is there anything new? It too small and blurry for me to read it.
  20. root

    Remove NVG and TWS

    TWS, AS50, M107 out .... NVG keep. thank you
  21. Thx I will give it a shoot.
  22. no video = didn't happen ...... OP are you there? Wheres the video?