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Everything posted by root

  1. how do you delete registry key?
  2. same problem here .... sometimes it works sometimes not ..... do not bother reinstaling or something ... it's not just you I'm waiting now for standalone ....
  3. root

    DayZ Machinima: Z Zones

    I liked it. When will we see another one? :D
  4. root

    Shoot all un-armed bandits on sight.

    Yes but, if you will be killing just bandits eventually you will became one. Your humanity shouldn't go down when you kill a bandit.
  5. root

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    Probably that "Fixitup" was the same dick under different name, who tried to give me him "magical" script which should help me. I have pointed out on one of the topic that he is trying to "help" and he got banned from there forums. Unlucky 89ShadowUK.
  6. 1. find players to play with 2. try different map (Lingor, Takistan ... even Utes is good for few PvP moments)
  7. root

    What kind of FPS do you guys get?

    i5 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz @ 120 Hz with SLI 2 x OC'ed 580 MSI on SDD and in city 40 - 70 and outside of city 70 - up. I have all maxed out on 1080 (postproccesing is off) and AA is on Very High ----------- that's during day time with no rain. With rain take off 10 - 15 fps from figure above.
  8. root

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    I have the same plroblem now ..... With 1.174 I was being kicked every 10-15 min .. then 1.175 came and I was able to play without any problem. Day after that 1.176 came and since then I'm being kicked again for client not responding .....
  9. root

    Standalone in graphical terms.

    Well first it was said that it will be mix of Arma 2 and Arma 3 engine which will be called 2.5 .... but after on latest presantation in UK rocket said that it wil use Arma 2 engine .... I was hoping for better lighting effects the same we saw in ARMA 3 presantation. The fps should be more stable in Dayz than in Dayz mode.
  10. Hi, I have been playing Dayz for while now and I was wondering if I would buy "ARMA II: Private Military Company" would I get higher res player models? I own, bought via STEAM: ARMA 2 ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead and player's textures look blurry. root
  11. It wasn't caused by dew. It's just game mechanism which I don't like. The skin should change just when you log in, not during fire fight.
  12. root

    Awesomeness that is L85A2 AWS

    I'm using it with AS50 when I want to hunt down some players. Spot the heat with L85 and kill with AS50.
  13. root

    Rocket, I demand you add animals like this.

    lol it made my day .... have some beanz
  14. As I understand to the cd-key theft, your cd-key won't get stolen until you run some free hax scrips on your PC. Haven't you done that?
  15. root

    Dayz = PvP

    I do PVP just in self defense. For example: I was on Lingor with my friend next to radio tower close to Victorim city. We heard gunshoots and saw somebody crawling in the middle of the city. He was crawling for some time from building to building and we had clear shoot with AS50 but instead of shooting we asked in global chat what hes up to. He said that he got broken legs and looking for morphine (he was new spawn). We told him that we have some spare morphine and we will give it to him. Suddenly my friend sees someone behind us, after making sure that's not me he killed him. Most probably the killed guy was trying to sneak on us (as we chatted in public chat) with intention to kill us. Then we placed morphine on that dead player and told the location of the body to the guy crawling in the city looking for morphine. We made sure that he got there, and he as well picked up nice loot from that dead player we shoot. TLDR; I don't do PVP unless necessary. root
  16. root

    US 2954 [Admin Abuse w/ Proof]

    lol this was funny .... I know now, where I'm going to spend boring hours at work .... On Reporting Server section :D
  17. Post the logs .... I wanna know whos right.
  18. root

    Players in the last 24 hours

    I would like to play I really would, but being kicked every 10-15 min by battleye that I'm not responding over 1 week now, is just pissing me off .... And I'm just about to uninstall this mod with all its maps and wait for standalone.
  19. root

    going 2 give up soon :(

    Thy that youtube video from http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/94675-battle-eye-breaks-dayz/
  20. root

    kicked from game

    It's not just you, please use search option.
  21. I found this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/94675-battle-eye-breaks-dayz/ ..... try that youtube video .... Havent tried that yet ... will try it tonight.
  22. root

    Battle Eye Breaks Dayz

    THX for the youtube video. I haven't tried that yet. Will give it a shoot tonight. THX