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Everything posted by JohnyMuffin

  1. JohnyMuffin

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Same problem here... Hapenned few days ago - no DayZ Staff team reaction on my thread. Lost L85A2 CWS and many other good things :(
  2. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Steam *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Beta 94444 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Steam *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I've spawned totally without gear in Kamenka(even without starting gear). I've had L85A2 CWS, GPS and many other high-end stuff. At the moment of yesterday logoff I was at NW airfield. *Your PC specs: Intel i5 3.3ghz. 8 GB HYNIX DDR 3 RAM. 700 GB SATA HDD. Nvidia Geforce GTS 450 1 GB. *Your Operating System: Windows 7 *Have you looked at these threads?: Yes, I've searched out through forums.
  3. JohnyMuffin

    Character wiped

    Same problem here, logged out at NW airfield yesterday(after DDOS attack, it was fine shortly after servers restarted).
  4. JohnyMuffin

    "Waiting for character to create"

    I've had almost same problem yesterday... I was stuck at "Loading" screen. Today i've spawned in Kamenka with empty gear, though Stats in Debug Monitor are the same. What the hell is going on?
  5. Signed post above. Same problem,, though I've spawned in Kamenka.
  6. JohnyMuffin

    disappearing corpses - different version exploit?

    Same happened to my corpse, and my victim's corpse. I demand my loot back 3:<. Anyways, saw that bug like 4-5 times for an hour on different servers.
  7. I've been recently playing on that one beatiful server that doesn't know meaning of "Lag". Where have it gone? Haven't seen it for whole day, which is kinda weird. Does anyone have information about that server?
  8. JohnyMuffin

    Spawned in "Nowhere"

    • Have you tried to restart Arma II? Steam? Computer?. Yes and many times • Is your Arma II or DayZ Mod files up to date? Yes, they are. • Have you tried to update battle-eye recently? Install? Reinstall? My Battle-eye version is up-to-date. • Have you tried searching the forum? Yes, I did. • Did you check the other stickied threads yet? Yes, I did. Few days ago I was playing on DayZ server RU6(Date of that day was 12.06.2012). After few minutes of playing I disconnected and haven't played untill next day. On the next day I've joined NY6 server and spawned in "Nowhere". I've tried to relogin and other stuff, that is recommended in "Bug reports" forum section, but that didn't help. Can my character recieve Position reset without being killed\inventory cleared?. Screens included.
  9. JohnyMuffin

    Spawned in "Nowhere"

    I've been in "Debug forest" many times and figured out its' location on map. It's not Debug forest, cause i'm stuck in a place that's called Development desert(outskirts of game map).
  10. JohnyMuffin

    Spawned in "Nowhere"

    Well, I guess that I will die from thirst before I reach Chernarus : D. Great.
  11. JohnyMuffin

    Spawned in Nowhere

    Date/Time: 12.06.12 What happened: I spawned in "Debug Nowhere"; Where you were: NW airfield, near south-west barracks. What you were doing: Sniping in trees *Current installed version: 1.7.0 *Server(s) you were on: RU3, then joined NY6(Where bug occured) *Your system specs: Windows 7 x64, Hynix DDR3 1333 Mhz 8 GB RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTS 450, Intel I5 3.33 Ghz, 500 gb HDD. *Timeline of events before/after error: I was sniping in trees near South-West barracks on NW airfield. After few minutes I've stopped playing and disconnected. On the next day I've joined NY6 and spawned in "Debug nowhere". Screens included. And one question: If my position will be reseted, will I lose all my stuff?