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Everything posted by MrMerc

  1. Has anyone else noticed that player corpses have disappeared immediately after death? I tried searching the forums for something about this but didn't find anything (Maybe I'm just bad at searching..) Anyhow a buddy and I we're playing for a bit yesterday and every time we killed another player his body would disappear immediately, several times we waited because we didn't know if the person died or not from our shots. Is this a known issue that is being looked into or am I just getting combat logged consistently? Several of the 'murders' we could see the kill, player fall and then player disappear. Which brings me to the next point, are kill messages expected in the near future? Maybe not so explicit that they state whom or what killed you but more so as a server notice that "MrMerc has died." etc.?
  2. I know we all have ideas and suggestions for what we would like to see in the final release but through news or actual responses what is it the devs are expecting to release? Many things won't be thought of until further down the line, the impact of ideas on the source engine might not even be plausible. Right now, though, what is that finished painting supposed to look like? Although far from completion when Stand Alone does release version 1.0 what features is the development team looking to have implemented that were not available in the mod? Whether it be graphics, sounds, interactions or items; what can the fan base expect to see that Rocket is excited about? **I think this thread might be extremely useful for the forum newcomers that are looking to see what lies in the future.**
  3. MrMerc

    Rockets Expected Features?

    That is actually what got me to post this. I see what they are currently working on, or have prioritized, but what is it they expect from the finished product is more of my question.
  4. MrMerc


    Of course in the current build and with constant server restarts it isn't feasible but down the line are we expected to see some form of farming with crops? As I consider it more I don't know how the database would handle a player planting wheat and then logging off for a day or two and logging into another server... If not will there be indigenous plant growth harvesting available? Let's say you can harvest the derelict apple tree orchid outside of Berezino, etc. If this/these are an expected feature what crops/native growth would the community like to see?
  5. MrMerc


    I agree, planting and raising your own crops might be something too difficult until private servers start to become modded. Harvesting trees and native plants I'm wondering what that would do to loot tables and the like.
  6. MrMerc

    Will shovel kill zombies?

    They can but it is brutally difficult unless your in first person and getting lost in a fit of rage.
  7. MrMerc

    Animals you want to see

    Some sort of hostile animal, I like the idea of a bear. Although, with wild boars already expected you could easily just make those things act aggressively.
  8. MrMerc

    Found Walkie Talkie

    They're random loot atm, I hope they implement that you need a walkie talkie for typing/talking in side.
  9. MrMerc

    Disable alt-tab

    Isn't Alt+Tab an operating system function and not a vidja game system function?
  10. Meh, I still find far more Motorbike Helmets than other things. But with such a small loot table at the moment you can't expect any different.
  11. Oh man if someone could make a YouTube video of a gang of mouth breathers messing with someone it would be gold.
  12. Lol I don't know if that makes it ok but congratulations on getting selected by the Asian Delegation!
  13. MrMerc

    Maps and item discussion

    Not at the moment, and it is my understanding at the moment that the maps can't be put together into one inventory slot. Find a medkit, put all the pieces in there and hotbar the map (when opened it views as though all pieces make one map).
  14. Well if that is true than I'm back to square one about the bodies disappearing. Which by the way could this have anything to do with zombie corpse disappearances?
  15. All good points, I am certainly starting to get the impression that it is people spazzing and leaving the server real quick because they got shot/killed. As for Kill Msgs, I don't know what my opinion is on whether I like them or not. You all made very good points about ambushing enemies if they don't know your dead or not. I've seen Rocket post a few responses alluding to two styles of hives 'regular' and 'hardcore' so maybe messages can be included in the regular servers? EDIT Ahh, hadn't seen that yet. I'll have to search around.
  16. This comical event also tends to happen occasionally, but not near as often as the possible combat log. After a while with the worm corpse though you can no longer loot it, even if you tread along with the sliding body.
  17. Along those lines a DayZ PvP'er reads the "Im a friend, your a friend, were all friends who can share our food and water and meds!!" approach as "I don't get enough social interaction in the sun filled sky of the real world so lets huff and puff and shout friendly until our lungs give out". We read that everytime we hear someone cry about KoS.
  18. MrMerc

    One Survivor? (Urgent)

    Valid points. Personally, with how often Alpha is going to reset our characters and the random fresh spawn bug that is going on I don't think two accounts are warranted at this time.
  19. MrMerc

    One Survivor? (Urgent)

    I don't understand why you would need more than one character?
  20. As of right now with player corpses disappearing immediately after a kill it makes killing a player as pointless as anything can.
  21. Two things to be said here: #1 KoS happens because the person doesn't know nor trust me. You are a liability to my survival and you might have that backpack I've been looking for. There is absolutely no benefit to the game for me to parlay my safety for a stranger I have no intention to get to know. Furthermore, I've been lugging this M4 around for an hour and I want to use it in a combat scenario, oh a player is over there? Guess what is about to happen. #2 If your playing this game for realism and you don't KoS than you are not valuing your life as much as you should be. It's great to be charitable in our current situations; electricity, running water and a 9-5. When the sh*t hits the fan though, the charitable ones die first.
  22. MrMerc

    Silencers and item condition

    My buddy and I have silencers, you quit hearing them about 100m off. But it is so early into the game that I'm not entirely certain when the non-suppressed gunshots become inaudible. Also, at the moment both of our silencers are in pristine condition so whether or not a worse off suppressor creates a louder noise Im not sure.
  23. I'd go to green mountain over NWAF anyday. I think what scares people the most is that their sissy scoped weapons are meaningless there.
  24. DayZ the mod was entirely free. You're right in that Arma 2 and OA were not but they weren't solely DayZ; there were countless features to those games that had zero to do with zombies. You can say this is negativity, but I call it being realistic. Your right in that no one wants some Call of Duty piece of garbage thrown out there but can anyone tell us what they have done in the last year? We all knew it was no where near complete but I don't think anyone predicted just how bad things really are.
  25. You've got to be kidding right? The standalone at the moment, need I remind you released as an ALPHA a year after it claimed it should be completed, is as bare bones and bad off as the mod was when it originally released. Sooo my question is besides making a few of the graphics look better and placing loot under tables and on top of dressers what were the dev's doing for so long?! Why was such little progress made in the last 8 months since E3?? If anything the dev team should be thanking us, the fans, for shelling out $3 million dollars in the first 12 hours of launch so that we could play a dress-up running simulator. As of now the free mod is infinitely better than the stand alone, and with how disappointing the progress has been I don't see the stand alone ever reaching what the MOD currently has. Few things we were told they spent a lot time fixing: #1. Zombie chase and collision system. (You mean when they run through buildings and fly from out of the ground to hit you? Ohhh its because you actually have to strike the zombie with the axe now...) #2. Revamped Inventory System. (Great, thanks. Hey Dean have you played Arma 3 at all? That inventory system, as bad as it is, puts the stand alone to shame.) #3. "Built from the ground up" (My ass. Your virtually running the same source engine from the mod.) My biggest disappointment was the amount of faith I put in Dean Hall to make a worthwhile advancement on a product he put out a year ago. NOPE. We all just spent $30 to buy the original MOD with extreme resource draining pretty graphics. But hey, at least there is all these clothing variations!