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About MrDrJonStamos

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    On the Coast
  1. HA, we shot back, killed all of them and their helicopters and then they banned all three of us. We tried to appeal and say we liked their server and them but they called us crybabies. Check out dutch's thread if you're thinking about playing with these chumps
  2. MrDrJonStamos

    Allied Task Force Dayz Panthera Server

    Founder of their clan says: 1) We reset the server when we want so only our members get gear 2) We can, and will, ban players without proof Seems legit
  3. Also because i was bored and can't play on that server anymore...
  4. They called me a crybaby ='( my first words: "We have nothing against atf and think you guys run a good server. We've been playing on the server for months and are all regularly on. We haven't ever hacked anything, play on the server regularly and don't bitch even though we've died our fair share of times and lost good gear. It's whatever, you die in dayz, that's why we play" Sorry for raging against you ATF. Just trying to do everything we can to show other players this clan is unreasonable and isn't worth playing with