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About techniqr@live.co.uk

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  1. techniqr@live.co.uk

    M107 Barrett .50 cal getting banned everywhere..

    a 50.BMG round would scratch a tank, just saying, those weapons are designed for light armour.
  2. techniqr@live.co.uk

    Dumb ways that you have died?

    Oh thats happened to me before, i went to kill somebody in the cherno firehouse, clicked my left mouse button when i didnt realise that i had a grenade selected, i ran down the stairs as fast as i could.... well you know the rest, but the guy i went to kill survived. Karma is a bitch sometimes .
  3. techniqr@live.co.uk

    The Reason your a Hero/Bandit?

    100% bandit i have done everything from city sniping, running around cherno with a enfield and getting several kills until i pissed off a clan and they killed me with a heli, but my greatest exploit has to be blowing up a ural with 6 people in it with a well aimed M203 shot. followed by side chat spam of "hacker!!!!!11!1!!!one". i just love the pvp aspect of this game
  4. techniqr@live.co.uk

    How Optimized will the Standalone actually be?

    i have a 3750k and a 670 and i still maintain playable fps (40+) at 1440p (2560x1440).
  5. techniqr@live.co.uk

    DayZ Scenario: Would You Kill or Help

    Shoot him in the head, in this game i do whatever it takes to advance in my characters gear "progression". And like another player said, if you don't know me or in skype/teamspeak, chances are you are going to die.
  6. I killed a animal with a silenced weapon about 20m from the stary military tents, gutted it and aggro'd about 10 zombies (it was dark too) then i swiftly died from some guy in a bush with a m14 aim.
  7. techniqr@live.co.uk

    L85=8000 blood damage on Stanag?

    http://dayzdb.com/database/l85a2-holo Stanag/g36 mag: 3555 blood damage Stanag SD: 2722 Blood damage.
  8. techniqr@live.co.uk

    Children and Women Zombies?

    Chill! it was a maybe, nothing more than ideas and speculation.
  9. techniqr@live.co.uk

    Children and Women Zombies?

    i think female zombies would be a great addition and perhaps add a little variety to the game, maybe they could behave in different ways. For example: Male zombies move slower and hit a hard and the female could be faster and be more nimble, but hit less than male zombies. but as others have mentioned in this thread, child zombies are a no-go as far as ethics and laws are concerned, furthermore there will be a huge backlash from childrens groups, et cetera.
  10. techniqr@live.co.uk

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I started playing this game about 2 weeks ago and me and a friend decided to leave chernarus for the harsh, bitter-cold wasteland that is namalsk (have never played the map before), lets just say it was a night time server. Hears growling. Ask's friend what it is, he replies "i don't know". A pack of these hulking things appear out of no-where. I crap myself and start running as far away as possible. Manage to get away but i had very low blood. Suddenly my screen starts to go all wierd and i hear thunder, my screen goes yellow and im sitting here going "wtf is this!". I hear another growl, and 1 pair of soiled underwear and a heart attack later, im staring at the "you are dead screen".