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Mupplo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mupplo (DayZ)

  1. Hello! I am in a clan named Hammer Time Community, we're a gaming community that plays, among other games, DayZ. We have a teamspeak server and a website. If you are intrested go to; http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/116620-hammer-time-community-recruiting-website-ts3-multiple-games/#entry1103488 Hope to see you soon! //Mupplo
  2. Mupplo (DayZ)

    When was the first time YOU killed someone in DayZ?

    I spawned on the shores and decided to head inland. I had no gear whatsoever. When I went up on a hill to scout out the area (Had no map) I found a couple of tents with guns. I took a Lee Enfield since it had the most ammo. I run down the hill on the other side, and I suddendly see a ATV with two players on it. I jump down in the grass and start to crawl to the closest bush, I assumed they didn't see me since they kept going. I hear the ATV's engine turn of and I decide to head to that direction, and when I get closer I see the two players and the ATV. I took cover in the nearest bush without them noticing and shot one in the chest, and the shot killed him instantly. His friend tries to run to the closest tree, and I shoot and hit his leg. His legs broke and he rolled out of my sight behind a tree. I stay and watch the tree where I last saw him, and after two-three minutes I saw his head pop out. I took the shot and hit him straight in the forehead. It turns out those guys had tents where they parked the ATV in a pine tree. M16's with tons of ammo, CZ's, Enfields, NVG's, tons of meds, and much more. Pretty good yield for two bullets.
  3. Maybe someone could post the application in the thread instead of a PM so I don't have to Bump every 3-5 hours :)
  4. Mupplo (DayZ)

    Andrew and Friends looking for more Friends

    Name: Rasmus Age: 17 In-Game Name: Mupplo. Location: Sweden. Kind of player: Mainly survivor. Experience: about a week. Job: No job. Interests: Scuba diving and gaming. Would be fun to join a server with less hackers and a bit less hostile players.
  5. Mupplo (DayZ)

    Looking for a clan or a group

    We got a server, but not many people play on it right now. I have Chivalry: Medieval warfare. :)
  6. Mupplo (DayZ)

    Looking for a clan or a group

    Hello! I am in a clan called Hammer Time Community. We're a gaming community that plays many games, including DayZ (and Arma 2), Chivalry, and much more. We are currently in a heavy recruitment stage. We mostly play for fun and pride ourselves on teamwork and being global. (No time zone restrictions) If you're intrested, please go to http://hammer-time.co.uk/ and make a account, then send in an application from the applications tab. Hope to see you soon! //Mupplo
  7. Mupplo (DayZ)


    Hello! I am in a clan called Hammer Time Community. We're a gaming community that plays many games, including DayZ (and Arma 2), Chivalry, and much more. We are currently in a heavy recruitment stage. We mostly play for fun and pride ourselves on teamwork and being global. (No time zone restrictions) If you're intrested, please go to http://hammer-time.co.uk/ and make a account, then send in an application from the applications tab. Hope to see you soon! //Mupplo
  8. Mupplo (DayZ)

    Just started and would like to be in a group

    Hello! I am in a clan called Hammer Time Community. We're a gaming community that plays many games, including DayZ (and Arma 2), Chivalry, and much more. We are currently in a heavy recruitment stage. We mostly play for fun and pride ourselves on teamwork and being global. (No time zone restrictions) If you're intrested, please go to http://hammer-time.co.uk/ and make a account, then send in an application from the applications tab. Hope to see you soon! //Mupplo
  9. Mupplo (DayZ)

    I want to join a clan

    Hello! I am in a clan called Hammer Time Community. We're a gaming community that plays many games, including DayZ (and Arma 2), Chivalry, and much more. We are currently in a heavy recruitment stage. We mostly play for fun and pride ourselves on teamwork and being global. (No time zone restrictions) If you're intrested, please go to http://hammer-time.co.uk/ and make a account, then send in an application from the applications tab. Hope to see you soon! //Mupplo
  10. Mupplo (DayZ)

    DayZ Player Looking For Group/Clan.

    Hello! I am in a clan called Hammer Time Community. We are a gaming community that plays many games, including DayZ (and Arma 2), Chivalry, and much more. We are currently in a heavy recruitment stage. We mostly play for fun, and we pride ourselves on teamwork and being global. (No timezone restrictions) If you're intrested, please go to http://www.hammer-time.co.uk/ and make a account, then send in an application from the application tab. Hope to see you soon! //Mupplo