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The Haxyl

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About The Haxyl

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    East of Novy
  • Interests
    DayZ, ArmA, Battlefield, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.,

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  1. The Haxyl

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I've been having a great time with the game lately, I was hoping the TrackIR animations would get some work in an upcoming hot fix though. Specifically the "grid-like" movement of the head tracking, it looks like the animations just aren't smooth enough for head tracking yet. Arma 3 and legacy builds had it implemented well but I imagine that's because the player controller and skeleton were a lot different. (Also is the player climbing and vaulting coming soon? I was imagining it being similar to Enhanced Movement which would be splendid) Thanks for the hard work, BI!
  2. The Haxyl

    Immersion At It's Finest

  3. Well, Sheeeiiit. But i guess more time to work on it, the better it'll be!