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Everything posted by smittyjaja

  1. smittyjaja

    Bad Version

    Did you read the post? I am running 95099, the server says it is running 95099 as well...
  2. smittyjaja

    Can my computer run DayZ?

    ... DayZ is not ARMA. I can run ARMA 2 on Max, but I seem to have trouble with DayZ on high.
  3. smittyjaja

    People are horrible.

    I actually think it's great that players attack each other, it creates a new threat in a zombie survival world other than zombies. I too kill anyone I see, mainly for the lols.
  4. So, I was playing on a UK Server with a friend, the server went down for some reason, so about thirty minutes later we joined a German server ( we hadn't joined any other servers ) I spawned in a town not far from where I logged off. But my friend spawned in a field with nothing around him, only other people who were getting killed, and then he died. He re-joined, but he spawned on the coast, luckily he had all his items. What causes this? !!
  5. It seems to work now, I deleted the game paths and mod paths from Six Launcher! Thanks Sickboy and Jesus!
  6. This is my launch command on Steam '-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@Dayz' I also use Six Launcher, what is the 'start in' folder? These are my six launcher settings... Also @ tickle_me_jesus I have done that
  7. I did, it says it is Enabled in Extensions =/
  8. This is my problem... I downloaded the latest beta patch and latest BattlEye .dll files. I am trying to join servers with the latest beta patch too.
  9. smittyjaja

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Wow, can someone please help me? I haven't been able to play DayZ for days because each beta patch I get gives me different errors... I tried going back to patch 94876, but I get the error 'You cannot play edit/this mission because it requires content that is deleted *dayz files*' If I use the latest patches I either get stuck on 'Wait for Host' or I get 'BattlEye initialization failed' I have no idea what to do, I have tried EVERY fix on this forum and Google, but nothing works and I just get errors!, other people can get it to work... I have created many threads on this forum asking for help, some don't answered and others get answered but the fixes don't work :( This is really frustrating, I have been trying for at least three days now to get it to work...
  10. So, I downloaded the latest beta patch today '95054' and I am just stuck when joining a server on 'Wait for Host' I have tried previous patches but I get the error message that files have been deleted! :( I tried the uninstalling of Battleye and removing the beta files and reinstalling them, but no luck.
  11. smittyjaja

    Stuck on 'Wait for Host' PLEASE HELP!

    Anyone know what to do?
  12. smittyjaja

    Stuck on 'Wait for Host' PLEASE HELP!

    I tried joining a server with my beta patch, but now I get the error 'BattlEye initialization failed' I have the latest version of BattlEye which I downloaded from the website for those 2 .dll files.. =/
  13. So, I updated to beta patch 95054 today, I also used 94997 yesterday but I couldn't join servers because it kept getting stuck on 'Wait for Host' is it because the server hasn't updated to that version yet?
  14. So, from what I have gathered, the servers I am trying to join have my beta patch, but have a previous Battle eye version so I can't join?
  15. Right, so I just got the latest patch and Battle eye .dll files, joined a server with the latest patch, still stuck on Wait for Host, or If I join other servers with my patch, I get Battle eye failed to initialize /sigh I have been trying to get DayZ to work for days now and have tried all the fixes but nothing works :c
  16. smittyjaja

    Stuck on 'Wait for Host' PLEASE HELP!

    I got the battleeye update, same problem :(
  17. I am using Six Updater to install DayZ, and I got the Battleeye and beta patches but I still stuck on Wait for Host, but the servers aren't running my patch, so maybe that is the problem?
  18. Also, I should note, if I even attempt to use a previous beta patch, I get 'You cannot play/edit this because files have been deleted *dayz files*'
  19. smittyjaja

    "wait for host" problem

    I tried this and it just doesn't work
  20. smittyjaja

    Wait for host.

    Same.. :(
  21. smittyjaja

    Build 94997 Not working.

    I am using the latest patch, whatever server I join, I get stuck on 'Wait for Host' If I use a previous patch, I get 'You cannot play/edit this mission' ...
  22. smittyjaja

    Error Fixes

    I got the latest patch, did everything I need to do, If I launch Combined Operations, I get a Direct3D Error even though I have the latest patch... If I launch through Six Launcher, I am just stuck on Wait for Host.../sigh
  23. So, I kept getting this error message whenever I joined a server through Six Launcher or just through the server list. The Error message is 'You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted *some dayz files*' I checked the dayz folder, and the files are there, I can see them >.> I gave up last night and just reinstalled the game and everything to do with DayZ to see if it would work... No Luck. What I did... Reinstalled Arma 2: Operation Arrowheard, Started Steam as an admin Launched Arma 2, OA and CO once. Downloaded the beta patched and installed it, moved the beta .exe to the right folder. Downloaded DayZ through the Six Launcher Added -mod=@dayz -nosplash or -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@dayz to my Launch command line on Steam (none of which work) Someone said I need to Launch Combined Operations, but I have no idea how to do that through Six Launcher? Help! :( NOTE: If I launch Combined Operations without Six Launcher, I get a Direct3D Error message and then it crashes, that is because I have the Launch Command, if I remove the Launch command, the game will start, but I'll get the error message! :<
  24. 'You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted *list of dayz files*' I get this whenever I try and join a server... This is in my launch options for Steam '-mod=@dayz -nosplash', I am joining servers through the Six Launcher program and I get this message. If I try and launch the game without the Launcher, I get a Direct3D Error message, If I launch without the command, I get the same error message when joining servers... No one knows how to fix this, it's really annoying! :(
  25. smittyjaja

    Error message when joining a server...

    I am reinstalling the game, that is the only way I can think off to fix this... I tried everything and nothing works.. *sigh*