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Everything posted by Piwaigee

  1. It's funny how it is me pointing out that my original ban was a result of a brainfart of yours (which everyone agrees on, including you) is what ultimately got me banned for cereals. I wonder how you would have acted in my shoes.
  2. So let me get this straight, I was banned " of there advertising of another TS server, and people moving to it". I think my english skills reach their limitations here because I still don't understand why I was banned. I never read on the rules that it was forbidden to communicate with players on another TS server, only that ppl were "invited" to use the ZW one. Anyway if I had a warning by any admin telling me I was summoned to only use ZW TS for my coms, I would have been like "it seems a bit totatilarian but whatever, ok", however, nobody told me so. Once again, I was banned with absolutely zero wrong doing record and zero warning. It just seems that anyone even slightly associated with DT got banned there, plain and simple. Collectilily punishing ppl for the wrong doings of a few individuals denotes a very, very strange idea of fairness and justice.
  3. I know you didn't accuse me of anything Popa. I just don't get how you can understand Panda having reasons to ban me (before I called him a mood swinging little child, that is :)
  4. Funny story : I still have no clue how to dupe water bottles or meat. I have never even tried to, nor have I ever done anything remotely questionnable or even frownable upon on this server. Yet, I should be grateful "another chance is given" to me and ceise it? Get freakin real, Popa.
  5. I don't think I want to, man. And on a side note, and not that it matters but it just bugs me to read your little arrangements with the truth : -They never invited me to play anywhere else, I just asked them where we could talk so we could keep playing on this server as a team. -The number of times they used ZW TS while playing on another server was veeery marginal, and they would have ceased immediatly, have you just told them "hey guys, look this is not cool you can't keep doing that", but no you just banned them from the TS alltogether. So I think I too will just move on and find a server where the head admin is not a mood swinging little child.
  6. Hey I'm BeepBeepImaJeep on the server. Today I got banned with no warning. Obvsiously the sole reason was that I was playing with DT. I like playing with Ryan and Seb, but apparently using another TS than the zombieworld's one so I can communicate with them (since they got banned from ZW's one) is a ban worthy offense in the eyes of Panda. Panda, good luck getting more ppl playing on your server with you keeping making such decisions. Players number keep droping week after week anyway, even with the white list off. It's really a shame because I liked being part of this community, and I'm going to miss playing with fun and cool guys like Quint, Deviant, Kettu, Neeko, Kidd, Chris, Popa, Steve and all the other cool cats of the server. I'm also gonna miss the epic fights against the GzG and Up guys a lot, it's been fun having ennemies like you :) I'm gonna miss my awesome tents at 028-092 (20 top guns and 8 coyote backpacks up for grabs lads :D) but yeah, Panda's passive agressive ways have turned me off of ZW for good. Bye dudes, and take it easy. Pierre
  7. OK something about combat logging after death : some guys you shoot, they're dead (with message and all) and then their body just vanishes coz they hard-close their arma application -> this is super scummy combat log so your opponent can't loot you. But there is also this other scenario (which only occurs for me when server is around 50-60 or more) when u get shot, and are obviously gonna die but you don't see your blood icon blinking or going down, you wait like 1-2minutes and are just "well fk it i've waited long enough I wanna go on with my new life and if this looks like combat log then whatever this is the server fault for lagging" and just hit echap and abort. Those 2 are completely different
  8. All these fancy stuff and we still get kicked for no reason while driving or piloting :P
  9. Also it's great to have implemented a debug monitor but if we also could see our blood level it would be even better
  10. Very few groups have "infinite stuff" imo. A lot of them start from scratch all the time like everyone else. It just takes one heli trip to discover a camp and bust it... Of course, the more populated a team is, the bigger their edge gets...
  11. This has nothing to do with the speed of your internet, it's a battleeye problem
  12. So yeah this server is cool exept you get kicked randomly every 8-10 minutes when there are over 30 players, making it barely playable
  13. just curious, how many people on the whitelist now?
  14. This server really is awesome, I had one of my best nights tonight, but this battleeye issue kicking ppl randomly really sucks, if you could sort it out it would be tits. (I've been kicked like 5 times for script restriction #42)
  15. okay fk it, for a very short period I thought this server would be the place to enjoy this great game, but now hackers take over every day? I'm just gonna wait the standalone now. I appreciate your work Panda, but I have the feeling those cunts sadly will always have the upper hand
  16. Yeah even with the BE issues, this is hands down and by far the best server out there :)
  17. Panda, I know you're working on it, but today has been plain unplayable. You have to acknowledge that
  18. Still banned. Edit : nm good now, thank you Panda
  19. Thank you. No idea you were on the server atm, I know Iknow, this is no excuse. I would imagine a lot of players would also talk out of their ass after a kid exploits side chat to get 2 easy kills.